Monday, September 30, 2019

Contrast essay on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay

The duality of mankind, or the belief that the human mind is made up of a good and evil part, has always been a matter of great interest for many philosophers, psychologists and writers. Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr.Hyde is a unavoidable classic on the subject; for its portrayal of both nature in the persons of Hyde and Jekyll is efficiently drawn in the symbolic descriptions, and the significant critic that is made through the novel, which is the hypocrisy of the society where image is more important than anything else, is still relevant today. Stevenson, in his descriptions of Hyde and Jekyll and their actions demonstrates how the good part of the human mind (Jekyll) is better, more developed than the darker one, the innate evil, embodied by Hyde, which is harmful for society and the individual. First, the physical appearance tells us a lot about Hyde and Jekyll and, at the same time, what the author thinks about the two parts of the human mind. Jekyll is tall, handsome and well-built; â€Å"a large well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty (†¦) with every mark of capacity and kindness†. His hands are â€Å"large, firm, white and comely†. In the descriptions made by observers, Jekyll appears to be a perfect, distinguished gentlemen. The good part of the human mind is therefore perceived as eminent, more distinguished than the other part. Indeed, Stevenson reinforces this position with Hyde’s physiognomy. Hyde, is seen by other people who meet him as a dangerous and terrifying beast. Although they cannot name why, Hyde appears to those who meet him as repulsively ugly. He is younger than Jekyll but he is ape-like and dwarfish and also much smaller than Jekyll, for instance Jekyll’s clothes don’t fit him. As the doctor says in his statement, his counterpart was â€Å"less robust and less developed†. Utterson even says: â€Å"God bless me, the man is hardly human!† and adds that Hyde looks like a troglodyte! Hyde’s hands are not at all like the doctor’s hands: â€Å"It was lean, corded (†¦)of a dusky pallor, and thickly shaded with a swart growth of hair†. Stevenson, through his symbolic use of hair and small stature in his description of Hyde shows that this one is less developed and less distinguished than Jekyll. The good part of the human mind, embodied by Jekyll is superior to the evil one, less developed and less attractive. Second, the setting is very relevant to the theme and tells us a lot about the differences between Hyde and Jekyll. The story takes place in Victorian London, in the late nineteenth century, on a background of middle-class gentlemen who respect the value of respectability and the dynamic of the Victorian society. Knowing this, we see with the descriptions in the novel, that the doctor is more successful than Hyde. Dr Jekyll’s house faces onto a square of ancient, grand and handsome houses. Utterson even talks about the hall as â€Å"the pleasantest room in London†, describing it as a â€Å"comfortable and warmed by a bright open fire†. Even the butler, Poole, who opens the door, is said to be a well-dressed, loyal, elder and respectable servant. On the other hand, Hyde’s house is situated in the foggy quarter of Soho looks like â€Å"a district of some city in a nightmare† and is surrounded by a dingy neighbourhood, ragged children and wicked looking women. Hyde, when going to Jekyll’s house, enters by the lower storey shabby door that faces on a different and dirty street: â€Å"It bore in every feature the marks of prolonged and sordid negligence (†¦) was blistered and stained†. Jekyll, in his last statement, describes the Hyde’s housekeeper as a unscrupulous creature. Thus, according to the Victorian values, no doubt that Jekyll has, in the novel, a larger amount of ethic than Hyde and therefore is more respectable. Hence, Stevenson demonstrates, with the different places where the action takes place, how Jekyll is superior to Hyde. We see in the behaviour and actions of Hyde and Jekyll how the latter one is better but also how the former one is despicable. Henry Jekyll is a doctor, the caring job among all. He is wealthy, having over a quarter of a million sterling at the time and as he says in his narrative at the end; he is â€Å"well-known and highly considered†. His friends, such as Utterson and Lanyon, are all respectable and upright gentlemen who cherish honest hopes. His occupations, which are described this way:† The doctor gave one of his pleasant dinners to some five or six old cronies, all intelligent reputable man, and all judges of good wine† are all worthy and reputable at the time. He also has always done good things for the society, and â€Å"had always been known for charities (†¦) and no less distinguished for religion†. Throughout the novel, he always tries to undo the evil done by his other nasty part, Hyde. If the doctor does so, Hyde does exactly the opposite.  Right from the beginning, we know that Hyde hangs around in the dirty areas of London, seeking undignified pleasures and immersing himself into depravity, vices and sins. His acts are described by Jekyll as â€Å"inherently malign and villainous†. His depravity and immorality are also underlined by the different ghastly crimes, taking aim at innocent people, he commits. He first tramples a little girl and leaves her ill-treated, crying on the street and then beats to death a old man. We see that Hyde is not only less developed and more primitive in his actions than Jekyll, but also that these very actions are harmful for the society and lead to the destruction of the individual, as the author demonstrates when Jekyll ultimately commits suicide. In conclusion, Stevenson demonstrates through the physical appearances, the setting and the actions of his characters how the evil part of our mind is smaller and weaker than the good one. By showing how Hyde is much smaller than Jekyll and by showing that the places and the frequentations he has are less respectable than those of Jekyll, he demonstrates the superiority of Jekyll and therefore, the superiority of the good side over the evil one. Stevenson illustrates this by stating clearly the differences between Hyde and Jekyll, the evil and good side. The dark one is not only smaller, weaker and less distinguished but also leads to the destruction of the society and the individual. Stevenson also explores how the repression of the Victorian society leads to the release of that dark side, due to the will to break free from the value of respectability. Thus, we can ask ourselves if this value and the dynamic of repression that was taking place at that time weren’t partly resp onsible of the crimes that were committed in the Victorian era.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Drugs Accident Essay

1.An undercover drug informant learned from a mutual friend that Philip Friedman â€Å"knew where to get marijuana.† The informant asked Friedman three times to get him some marijuana, and Friedman agreed after the third request. Shortly thereafter, Friedman sold the informant a small amount of the drug. The informant later offered to sell Friedman three pounds of marijuana. They negotiated the price and then made the sale. Friedman was tried for trafficking in drugs. He argued entrapment. Was Friedman entrapped? Argument for Friedman: The undercover agent had to ask three times before Friedman sold him a small amount of drugs. A real drug dealer, predisposed to commit the crime, leaps at an opportunity to sell. If the government spends time and money luring innocent people into the commission of crimes, all of us are the losers. Argument for the Government: Government officials suspected Friedman of being a sophisticated drug dealer, and they were right. When he had a chance to buy three pounds, a quantity only a dealer would purchase, he not only did so, but he bargained with skill, showing a working knowledge of the business. Friedman was not entrapped—he was caught. I agree with Friedman not only did the informant ask for drugs, but he asked him constantly after he said no which could have easily influenced Friedman to sell the informant the drugs. 2. Conley owned video poker machines. Although they are outlawed in Pennsylvania, he placed them in bars and clubs. He used profits from the machines to buy more machines. Is he guilty of money laundering? Yes he is guilty of money laundering because he took the proceeds of a criminal act and used the money to promote the crime of his poker machines. 3.Karin made illegal firearm purchases at a gun show. At her trial, she alleged that she had committed this crime because her boyfriend had threatened to harm her and her two daughters if she did not. Her lawyer  asked the judge to instruct the jury that the prosecution had an obligation to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Karin had acted freely. Instead, the judge told the jury that Karin had the burden of proving duress by a preponderance of the evidence. Who is correct? The judge is correct. In this situation Karin is trying to plead not guilty because she was under duress, so she will have to have evidence to prove that she acted under duress 4. An informant bought drugs from Dorian. The police obtained a search warrant to search Dorian’s house. But before they acted on the warrant, they sent the informant back to try again. This time, Dorian said he did not have any drugs. The police then acted on the warrant and searched his house. Did the police have probable cause? Yes because the informant had claimed to bought drugs from Dorian before. 5.Shawn was caught stealing letters from mailboxes. After pleading guilty, he was sentenced to two months in prison and three years supervised release. One of the supervised release conditions required him to stand outside a post office for eight hours wearing a signboard stating, â€Å"I stole mail. This is my punishment.† He appealed this requirement on the grounds that it constituted cruel and unusual punishment. Do you agree? Yes. The punishment will be breaking the eight amendment because of standing outside a post office holding a sign stating I stole mail will not only be degrading, but also an unusual and cruel punishment. 1.At approximately 7:50 p.m, bells at the train station rang and red lights flashed, signaling an express train’s approach. David Harris walked onto the tracks, ignoring a yellow line painted on the platform instructing people to stand back. Two men shouted to Harris, warning him to get off the tracks. The train’s engineer saw him too late to stop the train, which was traveling at approximately 55 mph. The train struck and killed Harris as it  passed through the station. Harris’s widow sued the railroad, arguing that the railroad’s negligence caused her husband’s death. Evaluate her argument. Harris wife really does not have an argument because the railroad did everything in their power to prevent his death. Harris will be at fault for his own death 2. Ryder leased a truck to Florida food service powers, an employee, drove it to make deliveries . He noticed that the strap used to close the rear door was frayed, and he asked Ryder to fix it. Ryder failed to do so in spite of numerous requests. The strap broke, and Powers replaced it with a nylon rope. Later, when Powers was attempting to close the rear door, the nylon rope broke and he fell, sustaining severe injuries to his neck and back. He sued Ryder. The trial court found that Power’s attachment of the replacement rope was a superseding cause, relieving Ryder of any liability, and granted summary judgment for Ryder. Powers appealed. How should the appellate court rule. The decision should be based on the state laws of contributory or comparative negligence because although Powers told Ryder to fix the rope you can make the same argument that by Powers switching ropes also help contributed to his injury. 3. A new truck, manufactured by General Motors Corp. (GMC), stalled in rush hour traffic on a busy interstate highway because of a defective alternator, which caused a complete failure of the truck’s electrical system. The driver stood nearby and waved traffic around his stalled truck. A panel truck approached the GMC truck, and immediately behind the panel truck, Davis was driving a Volkswagen fastback. Because of the panel truck, Davis was unable to see the stalled GMC truck. The panel truck swerved out of the way of the GMC truck, and Davis drove straight into it. The accident killed him. Davis’s widow sued GMC. GMC moved for summary judgment, alleging Gmc could be violators of Negligence Per Se because the brand new automobile should have nothing wrong with it that could threaten the lives of drivers automobiles should be created to protect drivers as much as possible. Gmc is responsible for factual causation and foreseeable harm. By giving the man a defective vehic le I believe any accident which happened on the road or streets can be foreseeable. 4. You be the Judge Writing Problem When Thomas and Susan Tamplin were shopping at Star Lumber with their six-year-old daughter Ann Marie, a 150-pound roll of vinyl  flooring fell on the girl, seriously injuring her head and pituitary gland. Ann was clearly entitled to recover for the physical harm, such as her fractured skull. The plaintiffs also sought recovery for potential future harm. Their medical expert was prepared to testify that although Ann would probably develop normally, he could not rule out the slight possibility that her pituitary injury might prevent her from sexually maturing. Is Ann entitled to damages for future harm? Argument for Ann: This was a major trauma, and it is impossible to know the full extent of the future harm. Sexual maturation is a fundamental part of life; if there is a possibility that Ann will not develop normally, she is entitled to present her case to a jury and receive damages. Argument for Star Lumber: A plaintiff may not recover for specul ative harm. The â€Å"slight possibility† that Ann could fail to develop is not enough for her to take her case to the jury. If I was the judge I would not rule out the possibility that Ann could suffer harm in the future. I would request that Ann obtain documents from doctors that will help prove that the accident that happened could cause future damages. 5. Irving was a lawyer who prepared income tax returns for Maroevich. Irving agreed to draft a will for Maroevich, leaving all of the property to Maroevich’s sister, Biakanja. When Maroevich died, the probate court refused to accept the will because Irving had failed to have the signatures properly witnessed. As a result, Biakanja inherited only one-eighth of the estate. She sued Irving, who defended by saying that he had no duty of due care to Biakanja because all his dealings were with Maroevich and none were with her. Do you agree?

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Adoption and indian society

Adoption and indian society Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Law Essay Writing Service . You can view samples of our professional work here . Adoption and indian society Adoption provides a very important function in Indian society. India has long tradition of child adoption. In older days, it was restricted within the family and was covered by social and religious practices. But with the changing times, adoption beyond the contour of family has been institutionalized and legalized. Adoption is the institutionalized practice through which an individual belonging by birth to one kinship group acquires new kinship ties that are socially and legally defines as equivalent to the congenital ties. These new ties supersede the old ones either wholly or in part.   [ 1 ]    To protect abandoned and destitute children, goal is to find a family for as many orphan children as possible and to safeguard their interest as visualized in the UN Convention on child rights and Hague Convention on Inter country adoption ratified by India government. One of the motivations to adopt a child could be a desire to give a home to a child who needs one, wanting a child of the other gender, or for the welfare of the destitute and abandon child.   [ 2 ]    The dictionary meaning of the term ‘adoption’ is the act of taking and rearing of the child of other’s parents as one’s own child. Attitudes and laws regarding adoption vary greatly. Not all cultures have the concept of adoption. One of the biggest examples is Adoption is permitted amongst Hindus under statute. The fact that adoption means legal affiliation of a child, it is subject of personal law. The attempt to bring in the concept of secular adoption has gone into vain several times. Article 44 of the Constitution declares that ‘The State shall endeavor to secure for the citizens a Uniform Civil Code throughout the territory of India.’ In the year 1972, the Adoption of Children Bill was not approved as the Muslims opposed it. Then again in year 1980 a similar attempt was made to bring in all communities under one regulator y body except the Muslims that too was opposed. The enactment of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 is definitely a significant effort of the legislature towards recognition of adoption of orphan, abandoned and surrendered children by people irrespective of their religious status. This has been a major leap forward. This paper deals with a comparative study of adoption under Hindu law and Muslim law and various other aspects relating to adoption. To expand a family, adoption is the most basic reason that stimulates the desire in individuals to adopt a child provided that parents cannot bear a child owing to some reasons. Most common requirement in order to adopt a child is that a person should be a major and of sound mind. In order to adopt a child under Guardianship and Wards Act, 1890, guardian who is appointed to a child, the age of majority is 21 years. Position Under Hindu Law Hindus are allowed to legally adopt a child. Other communities could onl y act as legal guardians of the children. Under Shastric Hindu Law, two main aim of adoption are as follows:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Drivers for adopting public-private construction partnerships in the Term Paper

Drivers for adopting public-private construction partnerships in the US, UK and Australia - Term Paper Example This study also narrows the gap in the literature by collecting primary empirical data from interviews with construction company managers and owners in the US with a view to understanding their perspectives on the drivers for adopting PPPs. The results of this study are discussed and implications for practice and areas for further research are identified. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Study Scope and Objectives 5 Research Methodology 5 Organization of the Research Report 6 A Review of Literature 6 Conceptualization of Public-Private Construction Partnerships 6 Public-Private Construction Partnerships in the US, UK and Australia 9 Public-Private Construction Partnerships in the US 9 Public-Private Construction Partnerships in the UK 11 Public-Private Construction Partnerships in Australia 13 Summary of Findings in the Literature 14 Empirical Evidence 14 Secondary Data: Australia 14 Secondary Data: The UK 17 Primary Empirical Evidence 19 Analysis 22 Implications for Pract ice 23 Areas for Further Research 23 Bibliography 25 Introduction Public-private partnerships (PPP), also known as P3s are contractual arrangements between governments and private entities/concessionaires for the construction of facilities. Under the P3 contract, the private investor typically funds the construction phase of the facility and is usually entitled to share revenues associated with the facilities (Rowlson, 2012). In addition to sharing revenues, the private entity involved in a PPP also assumes some of the risks associated with the construction project (Hodge, 2004). As a part of a trend toward more privatization of public services, the UK has increasingly adopted PPPs for the construction of government infrastructure (Spackman, 2002). A similar trend can be observed in the US with 23 states legislating for PPPs (Rowlson, 2012). PPPs have also become a part of government public management systems in Australia (English, 2006). Ke, et al. (2009) conducted a review of lite rature on PPPs and examined peer-reviewed articles published between 1998 and 2008. Findings indicate that research into PPPs have steadily increased from 1998 to 2008 revealing an increasing importance to the construction industry. The most popularly researched areas was the â€Å"build-operate-transfer† form of the PPP with some interest in investment conditions, governance and other areas that tend to compliment PPPs (Ke, et al., 2009, p. 1076). It would therefore appear that the drivers of PPPs is under-researched. As, Hodge and Greve (2007) note, although there is intensive interest in the popularity of PPPs, little is understood about these new partnerships in the context of traditional partnerships. Bovaird (2004) argue that although PPPs have become increasingly popular globally over the last 25 years, the definition of PPPs is difficult to conceptualize as it means different things, depending on the country involved and the project to which it applies. Thus further r esearch is necessary for gaining a more profound understanding of PPPs, what the future of PPPs are and how best to model PPPs. This research will therefore add to current knowledge on PPPs by comparing the drivers of PPPs in the UK, the US and Australia. The UK, US and Australia are selected for this study because empirical and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Continuing case report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Continuing case report - Research Paper Example The planning function enables management to think strategically and align or re-align its objectives. Hence the emphasis from relying on muscle cars such as Hummer shifted from much fuel efficient, electronic car models such as Chevy Volt. Being proud of its legacy, it was about time that GM reinvented its ways and launched a car that suites its customers and the market. With the big idea of Chevy Volt, the company also invested in smaller innovations that can complement its existing products. Planning ahead for future requires a visionary mind-set something GM was lacking for a long time but recent plans are proving fruitful. The change that GM went through was phenomenal, understanding the needs of the customers and the environment gave them much deserved success. The skills involved in such an Endeavour may range from problem solving skills, forecasting, decision making and inevitable change management skills besides the obvious leadership and managerial skills. The shift from mus cle to green fuels was a turnaround from traditional ways, something that helped the company gain increased market share and loyalty from customers. Question 2 The automotive industry, much like many other industries has undergone immense changes. The traditional reliance on carbon based fuels led to the deterioration of environment, besides being a costly fuel that saw increase in the global market. With harsh economic conditions customers started preferring smaller cars with small engine size with cheap maintenance costs. European Union and other advanced regions capped the CO2 emission standards that were not followed by models manufactured by GM. The awareness related to environment enhanced over time and countries started to introduce laws that would restrict car manufacturers from making traditional cars. Most competitors of GM started research and development on the subject matter decades before GM resulting in smaller more fuel efficient cars that became an instant hit in th e car market. The society that once preferred cars that are meaner with big engines and power started rethinking its preference and started opting for cheaper cars with fuel efficiency and less carob emissions. GM resisted this change and started making fewer units to attract its niche customers that were still in love with the muscle cars. Although the realization that society and political institutions would not approve of similar cars anymore the management reinvented its approach and after much wait and deliberation the first electronically fuelled car was launched. During this transition GM came close to getting bankrupt and was bailed out by the US government. With its existence at stake the management had no option but to discontinue its traditional muscle models and manufacture a car that would satisfy the needs of society and adhere to regulations posed by political institutions while remaining affordable for the customers. Question 3 GM is a pioneer in the automotive indus try; it remained the market leader in the America and had strong shares in other regions for decades. It created a strong brand image fuelled by its inventiveness and uncompromising quality products. It grew rapidly and owning a GM model was seen as prestige among the American citizens and nationalities. Based on its success and huge market share it started manufacturing hoards of cars that would appeal to

Human resources Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Human resources Management - Assignment Example RasGas also supplies LNG at home and in addition to producing LNG for export markets in the amount of 37 million tonnnes each year, RasGas also supplies about 2.0 billion cubic feet of LNG at home. RasGas also ‘manages and operates’ the ‘Hellim 1 and Hellim 2 facilities’ which together produces 1.96 billion cubic feet of liquid hellim annually. RasGas is committed to increase production with a view to meeting energy demands both at home and abroad (RasGas, 2001-2013). †¦develop, produce and sell hydrocarbaons from the world’s largest non-associated gas field in a safe and environmentally responsible manner for the welfare of the State of Qatar and the satisfaction of our customers while maximizing shareholder value (RasGas, 2001-2013A). ..The safe and reliable production and delivery of products to a worldwide portfolio of customers and the superior execution of projects and technical services for our shareholders and stakeholders (RasGas, 2001-2013A). Thus, the overall strategy of RasGas as an organization is to provide high quantity, and high quality LNG in a manner that is environmentally friendly. RasGas also emphasizes efficiency and excellence in customer service, profit maximization for shareholders and satisfaction for a wider class of stakeholders. Sustainability is at the heart of RasGas’ strategy. According to RasGas, sustainability is the key to ‘business success’ (RasGas, 2001-2013B). Sustainability is therefore built on four pillars: performance improvement through competitiveness and innovation, improving relationships with stakeholders and shareholders, maintaining integrity through high operational and business standards and sustainable practices (see Figure 1) (RasGas, 2001-2013B). RasGas’ external labour market consists of operating a ‘fleet of 27 LNG carriers under long term charter agreements with ship owners’ (RasGas, 2001-2013). This fleet of carriers include ‘conventional, Q-Flex and Q-Max

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Analysing a web based company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Analysing a web based company - Essay Example Business Planning, Retail Growth Strategy, Meal Plan Strategy, Sourcing and Procurement Strategy, Concept Development, Health and Well-Being Strategy, Information Systems Strategy, Food Facilities Planning and Design. Accommodation and food services makes up about 8.1 percent of all employment. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Employment in the accommodation and food services industries is predicted to grow 18% between 2002 and 2012, adding more than 1.6 million new jobs. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Of the 8,740,000 total workers employed in the accommodation and food services industry in 2003, 5,343,000 works full-time (61%), while 3,397,000 work part-time (39%). (Annual average for 2003, according to the Current Population Survey, a joint project of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau). The Total Industry Investment is $1,765,000 and the total leveraged resources are $5,900,000. Profit and average room rate at the UK's chain hotels continued to increase in November, according to the latest HotStats survey from TRI Hospitality Consulting. Across the total UK sample of 462 hotels, income before fixed charges (IBFC) - also known as gross operating profit - rose by 5.6 per cent to 52.81 per available room. Average room rate increased by 7.4 per cent to 95.03 in November, a similar rate of growth to the 7.2 per cent achieved during the year so far. In London, profit grew by 7.9 per cent to 82.19 per available room. London's hoteliers continued to achieve rate growth at near annual levels with an 8.9 per cent increase taking average room rate to a new high of 125.85. - Jonathan Langston, UK Chain Hotels Market Review November 2007 | TRI Hospitality, Villa's Market in Florida Florida property values vary greatly depending on where you are buying. A four-bedroom, three-bathroom Florida villa in Tallahassee will cost around $275,000 whereas a similar property in Key West will cost nearer to $4 million. The Florida villa rental market is thriving because of the popularity of the sunshine state with tourists and also the growth of commerce-based localities such as Miami. Zoning restrictions on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts have pushed up the price of Florida villa rental in those regions. The average weekly rent in West Palm Beach is $1587 and $1431 in Miami. The lower costs in Orlando, a ready-made tenant base, means it may offer the best investment opportunities in the market for Florida villa rental. Florida has a number of the fastest growing property markets in the US with price rises of 36% in Naples and 28% in Orlando in recent years. The growth of the Florida property market has meant there has been a shortage of properties in some areas. This has been met by developers seemingly building a Florida villa on every spare piece of land they can find. The Florida property market now appears to be experiencing an overall slow-down with less developments being planned and prices growing at a slower rate. Mortgage rates are expected to rise in the future, pushing up the cost

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Analysis on an Operation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Analysis on an Operation - Research Paper Example The activities of the operation management mainly range from the strategic, tactical to operational levels. Tactical issues involve the layout of the plant and structure, the selection of equipment and replacement, and the methods of the project management. On the other hand, the operational issues involves the handling of traffic and materials, the equipment maintenance, the quality inspection and control, the inventory management and production scheduling and control. Operation management therefore focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes. The nature in which it is carried out in an organization depends on the nature of the products or services in the company such as wholesale, retail or manufacture. Shipper manufacturing company has various operational processes that enable efficient production of its products. The operation process entails the type of product or product design, the product process flow, management of quality, supply chain management, project m anagement or operation scheduling, forecasting and the inventory management. Good management of the operation processes contributes to the well performance of the company. It also helps the company to maintain its production supply and increases The Company’s development as a whole. ... The divisions include the material division (MD), Electrical Products Division (EPD), and the Advanced Product Division (APD). These divisions are located in Faribault. Minnesota. The company holds a good position in sales because of the high efficiency levels. In addition, the company has improved growth and is in a good position on productivity. Analysis of the product and product design Shipper manufacturing company manufactures various products. Some of the products manufactured include electrical products, laminated materials and specialty products. Advanced product division (APD), is a division in the company that manufactures the specialty products. Initially, APD manufactured custom products in very low volumes for the consumers. The consumers got very little products that could not satisfy their desires. However, the division plans to increase the volume of production for the multiple customers. Â  The company therefore would require increasing its operational management in order to maintain its competition in the new environment. APD produces specialty products mainly for the custom orders such as helicopter blade liners, and mine stoppers. In addition, shipper manufacturing company produces many aerostats per year which are sold to different communication companies. Furthermore, they are also sold to some foreign countries and the U.S. government mainly for communication purposes. The operation process flow analysis The production flow involves the movement of various items through the production process. Â  The flow structure or the process flow used in production purposes has various impacts on the operation layout, technological decisions, recourses and the methods used in doing the work. The process flow is a very important aspect in Shipper

Monday, September 23, 2019

Children can lead successful lives enough though they experience birth Essay

Children can lead successful lives enough though they experience birth complicatins - Essay Example The complications can be due to preterm birth, low birth weight, and intrauterine growth restriction. Particularly the complications develop because of the environment that a mother faces before or after the birth. These can lead to physical or psychological impairments among the children. There are multiple factors that can lead to these complications like smoking, drinking, maternal depression, poverty, family quarrels, parent’s mental illness or lack of formal education. The child who encounters these types of problems at home develops serious learning and behavior problems, mental illness or has a stressful future life (Werner, 1989). Nonetheless, the children who have experienced birth complications can lead a successful live. It all depends on the type of environment in which they are brought up. A stable environment facilitates a child in dealing with the stress he faces, and develops skills equally like all other children. In a research conducted by Emmy Werner in 1989, one third out of the total number of impaired children grow into a competent adult. After further study and observation, Werner found the factors that assist these stressed children in dealing with their stress and other risks of life. The main factor that contributes to these children to bear stress was their strong bond with the caretaker, which could be any member of the family or any appointed baby sitter. Establishing this bond makes it easier for the children to share their thoughts and daily life problems with the caretaker, resulting in taking decisions on their own and making life easy for them. Grandparents can play a pivotal role in the upbringing of a child. The protective aspect in the families, whether out of family circle, or within the children themselves who face complications, enables them to resist stress. The other factor included is that these children have taken

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example for Free

Business Ethics Essay In 1956, the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, or MCC, made a small start in Basque region of Spain, at the initiative of five young engineers, inspired by a Catholic priest by the name of Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta. Today it has emerged as a truly multi-billion dollar international enterprise with a highly integrated network of 100 MCC cooperative enterprises and competes quite successfully with conventional capitalist corporations both locally and worldwide. The success of this alternative business model in predominantly capitalist system can be judged from the fact that today there are 750,000 co-operatives worldwide with about 760 million members. There is abundance of information and literature documenting the success of the Mondragon experiment and its comparative analysis with conventional capitalist corporations on various organisation aspects. This essay aims to put a special focus on position and treatment of two key stakeholders, shareholders and employees, while comparing MCC with General Motors (GM), a well renowned US corporation. This essay is structured into four sections: the first outlines the historical development and ethical foundation of the MCC in much abbreviated terms. The second section provides a generic and ideological comparison the two corporations. The third section adds granularity in similarities and contrasts with specific examples from MCC and GM. The fourth section aims to touch upon the ethical perspectives within the two corporations and critiques the approaches. Finally, Section five, concludes the essay by presenting key insights from the MCC experiment for corporations in 21st century.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Swot Analysis And Porters Five Forces Information Technology Essay

Swot Analysis And Porters Five Forces Information Technology Essay Walgreens pharmacies have integrated intellectual technology into every facet of its operation. The ability to develop, implement, and analyze the effects of the IT has significantly increased pharmacy efficiency. The companys core strategies include key objectives to provide innovative IT within its business operations that place them as the industry leader. The IT transformation is not just about cutting costs but utilizing this intelligence to become the value added community destination for quality healthcare. The pharmacys many processes utilize IT to fill prescriptions, bill third party payers, maintain patient profiles, document clinical services, manage supply chain, multichannel communications, and other supportive services. The integrated platform improves productivity and performance of the organization by streamlining workflow. The pharmacy manager can utilize the key performance indicators (KPIs) to effectively manage departmental functions and improve processes. The pharmacy staff utilizes the IT to improve customer service and satisfaction. Walgreens strategy is to operate as the leader within the industry. The initiative to transform community pharmacy is dependent upon its innovative IT development. The shift from the payer and provider to the consumer directed healthcare system will change the community pharmacies model. The IT system will support the necessary tools needed to redefine the role of community pharmacy. The prioritizing of company strategy focused IT systems will further support the business objectives. The future of the IT department will be to become less dependent on consultants to provide expertise rather than investing in the training and promotion of present company talent. There will be a shift from customized software solutions for applications and the utilization of packaged options when pertinent. The assessment of the IT operating model will determine if global delivery options will be needed to support the companies twenty-four hour capabilities. Strengths Over 7,500 integrated locations to provide services 72 percent of all Americans live within five miles of a Walgreens 18 percent of the market share IT innovator IT focused strategies Multichannel communications Weaknesses Dependence on outside IT consultants Development of customized IT solutions Lacking development of global and/or off shore IT staff Opportunities Changing IT operating model Wifi hot spots Wireless network Integration of healthcare units Threats Recession limits on new IT development and costly implementation Highly trained IT personnel Highly efficient packaged software Figure 1: SWOT Analysis of Intellectual Technology. The core strategies of Walgreens are focused on IT. There is a great deal of support from management to provide innovative transformations that will increase efficiencies and improve customer service. There are over 7,500 integrated locations compromising eighteen percent of the market providing these services to the consumer (Standard Poors, 2011). The many opportunities to interface with the consumer have given Walgreens the leading market position as the most convenient community drug store. The multiple channels include: brick and mortar store, telephone, website, e-mail, mobile phone, texting, and social networking media. The dependence on outside IT consultants posses a potential risk of the under development of Walgreens staff and increased costs to the company. The utilization of customized IT solutions increases costs for development and continued support. The cost savings that could be realized by either off shore or global IT staff have not been utilized. The changing of the IT operating model has the ability to create innovative opportunities that could increase their market share. The offerings of Wifi hotspots and wireless internet connections have the potential to capture more consumers through this on-line interaction. The IT integration of all health care units serves to increase efficiency and performance for the business. Several threats of the Walgreens IT system create potential risks to their market share. The recession poses constraints on the research and development of new IT solutions and innovations. The networks of highly trained IT people have the potential to offer their expertise to the rival competition. The increase in the development of packaged software options offers a more efficient and less costly system to maintain. The competitive environment of the industry exhibits significant power to control Walgreens share of the market with its most significant rival, CVS. The ability to gain market share could be greatly dependent upon the extent of innovative IT that either company may integrate within their operations. The ability to utilize this IT to conduct a more efficient business operation and exert its leverage on the market can determine its level of control. Walgreens has positioned its company as the market leader of innovative technology by offering cost effective solutions that provide value added services to the consumer. Walgreens ability to operate as an IT strategy focused operation is key to exhibiting a competitive advantage within the market. The ability to gain a further market advantage would be dependent upon innovation that would continue to differentiate Walgreens from the competition and establish its individual Brand identity. Walgreens has utilized its company IT focused stra tegies to introduce national programs (immunizations, diabetes testing, blood pressure monitoring, ect.) to change the community pharmacy and the role of the pharmacist. This leverage within the industry has enabled them to build substantial barriers that competitors must overcome.