Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Anxieties And Other Effects Of War - 2060 Words

Anxieties and Other Effects of War Naturally, a person who is facing anxiety might pull away from conditions that have triggered similar feelings in the past. Anxieties are of different types including existential anxiety which results from facing an existential crisis, angst, and nihilistic feelings. Other categories of anxiety are test anxiety, stage fright, stage fright, and somatic anxiety. Stranger anxiety and social anxiety occur when a person is around strangers (Karam 193). Anxieties and its effects evident in Cormac McCarthy s, The Road are both short term and long term and include food shortage, repercussions of war, and extreme fear. Unlike trivial anxieties in the day to day world, those of a post-apocalyptic situation are long lasting and some never end and require only love and family to heal. Love The unnamed father in The Road takes care of his son with a lot of love. The young boy and his father love and care for each other all the time to control their anxiety. The boy hangs on to him all the time in fear of the unknown. The small boy seeks refuge and love from his father. When the father attempts to leave the boy to go and look for firewood, the boy cries and claim that he is afraid to be left alone. This depicts the fear he feels, especially if he is left alone. The young boy keeps clutching on his fathers coat for safety (McCarthy 34). The father carries the boy across the field, stopping to catch a breath every fifty steps. They wrap themselves inShow MoreRelatedPsychological Effects Of War On Children1235 Words   |  5 Pages Psychological Influence of War on Children Milan Patel Hammond High School Student AP Psychology Ms. Pfanstiehl May 23, 2016 ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to tell the reader how children are most influenced psychologically by war and that the psychological effects are more severe than those of physical, emotional, and social influences. 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