Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Native Americans and early Euro-American settlers Essay

Native Americans and early Euro-American settlers - Essay Example The evidence is very clear in the presence of Christianity across the areas invaded by the Euro- American settlers. The discovery by Columbus in 1942 is a benchmark for the massive invasion by the early European settlers that would dominate the North American continent for several centuries (Fraser 37). Despite the manifestation of Christianity in various denominations, it once faced acceptance challenges amongst many North American natives. The differences in the denominations were very significant surrounded by the need for land, which increased the enmity between the Native Americans and the European settlers group. The Native Americans within the today’s United States boundaries inclusive of the people of Hawaii, and Alaska belongs to numerous tribal and ethnic groups some of which in intact political societies. The traditional Native ceremonies are still in practice in some bands and tribes alongside old theological beliefs. The use of sweet grass, tobacco, sweat lodge ceremonies and prayers in ancient phonologies are also common amongst some people in the current society. There is also the presence of the Native American church, which comprises of both Christianity elements alongside ancient spiritual practices. The presence of these practices all along to today’s society signifies strong religious beliefs and resistance to change offered by the Native American people (Kozlowski and Weber 102). The Native American religion brings along great complexity that is difficult to explain. The presence of many tribes is a profound factor alongside the verbal expression of religious principles from one generation to the other. Beliefs amongst the several tribes were different though they form a convergence at one point by sharing the major aspects. The religion amongst major tribes had a great focus on nature where animals, landscape, plants and majority of environmental elements that contribute greatly in the religious

Monday, October 28, 2019

Airline Economics Essay Example for Free

Airline Economics Essay The purpose of this note is to provide background to the study of the airline industry by briefly discussing four important economic aspects of the industry: (1) the nature and measurement of airline costs; (2) economies of scope and hub-and-spoke networks; (3) the relationship between yields and market characteristics; and (4) the S-curve effect. The Appendix to this note contains a glossary of key terms used throughout the discussion. Airline Costs Airline costs fall into three broad categories: flight sensitive costs which vary with the number of flights the airline offers. These include the costs associated with crews, aircraft servicing, and fuel. Once the airline sets its schedule, these costs are fixed. traffic-sensitive costs which vary with the number of passengers. These include the costs associated with items such as ticketing agents and food. Airlines plan their expenditures on these items in anticipation of the level of traffic, but in the short run, these costs are also fixed. fixed overhead costs which include general and administrative expenses, costs associated with marketing and advertising, and interest expenses. The largest category of costs is flight-sensitive. An important point about an airline’s cost structure, and a key to understanding the nature of competition in the industry, is that once an airline has set its schedule, nearly all of its costs are fixed and thus cannot be avoided. Because it is better to generate cash flow to cover some fixed costs, as opposed to none at all, an airline will be willing to fly passengers at prices far below its average total cost. This implies that the incidence of price wars during periods of low demand is likely to be greater in this industry than in most. There are two alternative measures of an airline’s average (or, equivalently, unit) costs: cost per available seat mile (ASM) cost per revenue passenger mile (RPM) Cost per ASM is an airline’s operating costs divided by the total number of seat-miles it flies. (An available seat mile is one seat flown one mile.) It is essentially the cost per unit of capacity. Cost per RPM is the airline’s operating costs divided by the number of revenue-passenger miles it flies. (A revenue passenger mile is one passenger flown one mile.) It is essentially the cost per unit of actual output. These two measures are related by the formula: Cost per RPM = cost per ASM ( load factor where load factor is the fraction of seats an airline fills on its flights. In the end, it is cost per RPM that an airline must worry about, for it must cover its cost per RPM to make a profit. Airlines differ greatly in both their costs per ASM and costs per RPM. For example, in 1992 Southwest had a cost per ASM of 7.00 cents, while USAir had a cost per ASM of 10.90 cents. Similarly, Delta had a cost per RPM of 15.33 cents while American had a cost per RPM of 13.81. Differences across airlines in cost per ASM reflect differences in: 1) average length of flights (cost per ASM declines with distance). 2) fleet composition (cost per ASM is smaller with bigger planes). 3) input prices, especially wage rates. 4) input productivity, especially labor. 5) overall operating efficiency. Differences across airlines in cost per RPM reflect differences in cost per ASM plus differences in load factor. Two airlines might have very similar costs per ASM, but quite different costs per RPM because of differences in load factor. For example, in 1992 USAir and United’s cost per ASM differed by less than 2 cents (USAir 10.90, United 9.30), but their costs per RPM differed by nearly 5 cents (USAir 18.54, United 13.80) because of USAir’s lower overall load factor (USAir .59, United .67) Economies of Scope and Hub-and-Spoke Networks Economies of scope play an important role in shaping the structure of the U.S. airline industry. The source of economies of scope in the airline industry is the hub-and-spoke network. In hub-and-spoke network, an airline flies passengers from a set of â€Å"spoke† cities through a central â€Å"hub,† where passengers then change planes and fly from the hub to their outbound destinations. Thus, a passenger traveling from, say, Omaha to Louisville on American Airlines would board an American flight from Omaha to Chicago, change planes, and then fly from Chicago to Louisville. In general, economies of scope occur when a multiproduct firm can produce given quantities of products at a lower total cost than the total cost of producing these same quantities in separate firms. If â€Å"quantity† can be aggregated into a common measure, this definition is equivalent to saying that a firm producing many products will have a lower average cost than a firm producing just a few products. In the airline industry, it makes economic sense to think about individual origin-destination pairs (e.g., St. Louis to New Orleans, St. Louis to Houston, etc.) as distinct products. Viewed in this way, economies of scope would exist if an airline’s cost per RPM is lower the more origin-destination pairs its serves. To understand how hub-and-spoke networks give rise to economies of scope, it is first necessary to explain economies of density. Economies of density are essentially economies of scale along a given route, i.e., reductions in average cost as traffic volume on the route increases. Economies of density occur because of two factors: (1) spreading flight sensitive fixed costs and (2) economies of aircraft size. As an airline’s traffic volume  increases, it can fill a larger fraction of seats on a given type of aircraft and thus increase its load factor. The airline’s total costs increase only slightly as it carries more passengers because traffic-sensitive costs are small in relation to flight-sensitive fixed costs. As a result, the airline’s cost per RPM falls as flight-sensitive fixed costs are spread over a larger traffic volume. As traffic volume on the route gets even larger, it becomes worthwhile to substitute larger aircraft (e.g., 300 seat Boeing 767s) for smaller aircraft (e.g., 150 seat Boeing 737s). A key aspect of this substitution is that the 300 seat aircraft flown a given distance at a given load factor is less than twice as costly as the 150 seat aircraft flown the same distance at the same load factor. The reason is that doubling the number of seats and passengers on a plane does not require doubling the number of pilots or flight attendants or the amount of fuel. Economies of scope emerge from the interplay of economies of density and the properties of a hub-and-spoke network. To see how, consider an origin-destination pair – say, Indianapolis to Chicago – with a modest amount of traffic. An airline serving only this route would use small planes, and even then, would probably operate with a low load factor. But now consider an airline serving a hub-and-spoke network, with the hub at Chicago. If this airline offered flights between Indianapolis and Chicago, it would not only draw passengers who want to travel from Indianapolis to Chicago, but it would also draw passengers from traveling from Indianapolis to all other points accessible from Chicago in the network (e.g., Los Angeles or San Francisco). An airline that includes the Indianapolis-Chicago route as part of a larger hub-and-spoke network can operate larger aircraft at higher load factors than an airline serving only Indianapolis-Chicago. As a result, it can benefit from economies of density to achieve a lower cost per RPM along the Indianapolis-Chicago route. In addition, the traffic between Indianapolis and the other spoke cities that will fly through Chicago will increase load factors and lower costs per RPM on all of the spoke routes in the network. The overall effect: an airline that serves Indianapolis-Chicago as part of a hub-and-spoke network will have lower costs per RPM than an airline that only serves  Indianapolis-Chicago. This is precisely what is meant by economies of scope. Relation Between Airline Yields and Market Characteristics An airline’s yield is the amount of revenue it collects per revenue passenger mile. It is essentially a measure of the average airline fares, adjusting for differences in distances between different origins and destinations. Airline yields are strongly affected by the characteristics of the particular origin-destination market being served. In particular, there are two important relationships: Shorter distance markets (e.g., New York-Pittsburgh) tend to have higher yields than longer distance markets (e.g., New York-Denver). Controlling for differences in the number of competitors, flights between smaller markets tend to have higher yields than flights between larger markets. The reasons for relationship 1) are summarized in Figure 1. shorter distance higher cost per RPMlower load factor higher cost per RPM higher yield Figure 1 Cost per ASM generally falls as distance increases. This is because, say, doubling trip mileage does not require doubling key inputs such as fuel or labor. Thus, shorter flights have higher cost per ASM than longer flights, and airlines must achieve higher yields to cover these higher costs. In addition, shorter distance flights generally have lower load factors than longer distance flights, which implies a higher cost per RPM for shorter distance flights, again requiring higher yields. Why are load factors lower for shorter flights? The reasons has to do with the greater substitution  possibilities that consumers have in short-distance markets (e.g., car of train travel are more viable options). In short –distance markets, we would therefore expect that some fraction of time-sensitive travelers (e.g., vacationers) would travel on these alternative modes, so short distance flights would have a higher proportion of time-sensitive travelers (e.g., business persons) than longer distance flights. Competitive pressures thus force airlines to offer more frequent flight schedules in short-distance markets, which leads to lower load factors. The reason for relationship 2) has to do with the economies of density discussed earlier. Smaller markets will have lower traffic volumes, and airlines will generally operate smaller aircraft at lower load factors, increasing costs per RPM and yields. The S-Curve Effect The S-curve effect refers to a phenomenon whereby a dominant carrier’s market share (share of RPM) in a particular origin-destination market tends to be greater than the carrier’s share of capacity (share of ASM). Thus, for example, if United offers 70% of the seats flown between Denver and San Francisco, and Continental flies the remaining 30%, then the S-curve effect says that United’s share of the actual traffic in this market will be greater than 70% and Continental’s will be less than 30%. This translates into an S-shaped relationship between â€Å"share of capacity† and â€Å"market share,† as shown in Figure 2. The S-curve effects stems from two sources. First, an airline with a greater share of capacity in a market is likely to have greater visibility in that market, so passengers are likely to contact it first. Second, an airline with a greater capacity share is likely to have more frequent – and thus more convenient – departures. This, too, works to boost its share of the actual traffic. The S-curve phenomenon makes capacity an important competitive weapon in the rivalry among airlines. An airline with the financial resources to purchase  aircraft and airport gates to achieve a dominant capacity share on key routes is likely to win the fight for market share. This suggests that, in general, it will be very difficult for a small carrier to challenge a dominant carrier at a hub airport, unless the small carrier can achieve significant cost advantages unrelated to scale. The history of competition in the post-deregulation airline industry seems to bear this out.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Doctor Faustus as Apollonian Hero :: Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus as Apollonian Hero How long will a man lie i' th' earth ere he rot? - Hamlet, V, i, 168 The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus is Marlowe's misreading of the drama of the morality tradition, the Faust legend, and, ironically, his own Tamburlaine plays. In the development of the character of Doctor Faustus, we find one of the supreme artistic achievements of English dramatic literature, a milestone of artistic creativity and originality. The force of Marlowe's dramatic poetry resonates with lyrical intensity in its dialectic between world and will. Not only is Faustus the first true dramatic character of any psychological, moral, and philosophical depth in English literature of the modern period, but in his creation of this unique character we see Marlowe on the verge of Shakespearean characterization, that supreme artistic achievement that Harold Bloom calls the invention of the human personality. The play itself is a study of the development of the inner self of a character, the evolution from a type who unfolds into a soul who develops. Bloom calls Marlowe Shakespeare's "prime precursor and rival Ovidian" (xx). All of Marlowe's major characters are of one type: each strives single-mindedly and obsessively towards one ever-evasive end. Faustus is the most philosophically oriented of this motley band, the one who comes closest to embodying the incredible vastness of human personality. Bloom notes that "Marlowe never developed, and never would have, even had he seen thirty" (xxi-xxii). While this judgment may be argued true, we must not regard his want of artistic maturity against Marlowe for the characterization he does achieve remains unprecedented in English literary history. The Faustus that we come to know, to loathe, and, at times, to idealize is both a human figure in all of his flaws and a natural force, "not so much intelligence as energy" (Steane 131). Marlowe's tragedy stands in a uniquely transformative relationship to the tradition of England's morality plays; more than simply an evolution, the play assimilates, incorporates, and creates new uses for the conventional elements of the morality play. The morality play, the most popular examples of which include Everyman and Mankind, was rooted in the didacticism of medieval Christian theology and developed as a means for the conveyance of Biblical truth to the masses. Its basis, as a literary work, was "an archetypal human perception: the fall out of innocence into experience" (Potter 9).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Founding Brothers Essay

The book, Founding Brothers, tells about the struggles of the American leaders after the revolution to establish a new government and the events that occurred during this time. Famous Americans such as Thomas Jefferson and John Adams along with their opposite points of view about the Constitution are given equal focus. The author brings to light the amazing ability of the colonies to come together, bring about change and break away from England to establish a nation built on democracy. This story is one that every American will have a stake in, as it forms the backbone of our national history. The author of Founding Brothers is Joseph Ellis, who has degrees from Yale and the College of William and Mary. His writing centers on American history, and he won the National Book Award in 1997 for his work American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson. One of his other works is titled Passionate Sage: The Character and Legacy of John Adams (Ellis, 2000, title page). Ellis goes right into the details of the debate that was fueling between the two sides in reference to the new American Constitution. He talks about James Madison who, with Alexander Hamilton, wrote the Federalist Papers. Madison was pushing for compromise on the Constitutional question and was doing his best to create a middle ground (2000, p. 52-53). Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and many of the others were already seeing a small example of the legacy they were creating, but didn’t fully understand it yet. The author points this out by saying: Men make history, and the leading members of the revolutionary generation realized they were doing so, but they can never know the history they are making (2000, p. 4). Ellis also points out how important that the decade in which the Constitution was written was to American history. According to him, these ten years of dealing with many of the issues that face the nation set the stage for future events to come, such as the Civil War (200, p. 9-10). During the debate of the Constitutional convention, slavery was a major obstacle and one that would not be settled completely here. The debate that took place in 1790 between those for and against slavery shows not only the struggle to create a new nation but also the fact that these leaders were considering what would happen as the nation grew and changed (200, p. 88). Another major aspect of this time period that the author addresses is the presidency of George Washington and the political divide that began to form among the nation’s leaders. Throughout his role as the first president, Washington was seen as an immortal figure that was beloved and respected. When he decided to retire as president in 1796, he left a strict warning for those he was leaving in charge: to avoid breaking apart and political parties in taking sides against each other. He wanted the nation to be united as one, and also to have its leaders be united as well (Ellis, 2000, p. 128-129). The author gives the reader an interesting view of these major characters by providing behind the scenes details that is often opposite to the stereotypes they are seen as now. For instance, Ellis goes into detail about George Washington’s character during his time as president. For instance, the author says: First, it is crucial to recognize that Washington’s extraordinary reputation rested less on his prudent exercise of power than on his dramatic flair and surrendering it. He was, in fact, a veritable virtuoso of exits (2000, p. 129-130). Along with relevant details about Washington’s health and personality, the reader sees a different side of this famous individual. Throughout the entire novel, Ellis organizes the book in a way that makes it easy to follow the events that occurred right after the revolution up to the time when the Constitution was being written. He provides personal quotations and references from those involved that gives the reader a deeper understanding of how they felt and what they were thinking when living through this time. He also provides the reader with enough information on the historical events that were going on in the country that helped to frame the interactions of the founding fathers. Founding Brothers adds to other his storable writing of this time by giving an inside view of not only the events but also the people who helped to create America during the revolutionary period. He makes it clear how certain obstacles, such as slavery, were not completely agreed upon or settled and how this affected the nation later on in its history. Ellis is able to explain both the short-term view of the founding fathers and the long-term view of the Constitution that they were trying to take. The debates and compromises that made up the writing of the Constitution and the establishment of a new government are laid out to support these points. As a history book, this novel will give the reader a good understanding of what was going on behind the scenes as the nation was born. Its clear explanations and interesting takes on the first leaders will hold the reader’s attention throughout the book. It is a valuable addition to the many writings that have been done on the revolutionary war and the writing of the Constitution. References Ellis, Joseph. (2000). Founding Brothers. New York: Vintage Books.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Locke on the Social Contract Theory

Social Contract Theory is a philosophy, which states that political and moral obligations of a person are rendered to him, upon an agreement between the ruler and the society. This agreement governs both the ruler and the ruled society to act in accordance with one another. John Locke, along with Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau, is one of the best known proponents of this theory, which emerged as one of the most influential political theories in the history of the Modern West. Social Contract Theory was an answer to reject the Divine Right Theory, which was used by kings and queens as their basis for their right to rule. Locke’s most important and influential writings are in his book, Two Treatises on Government. The first treatise in his writing is geared towards the rejection of Divine Right theory; and the second treatise states Locke’s own views on the justification for the civil government, which he entitled An Essay Concerning the True Original Extent and End of Civil Government. John Locke’s Social Contract Theory held a positive view about human nature. He argued that humans have a gift of reason, and man’s natural condition is a state of perfect and complete liberty wherein, humans live their lives at its best without interference from other people. People are assumed to be in equal footing with one another and are bound by the Law of Nature. This Law of Nature however is according to Locke’s view is the basis of all morality, and thus must not extend to harm other people’s rights with regards to their life, health, liberty or possessions (Locke 2003). Further more, as his concept of State of Nature lacks civil power amongst men and an appeal to the Law of Nature allowing people to defend themselves. Because of this lack of authority, a war is likely to break out, thus prompting the reason to abandon the State of Nature and recognize a contract that shall in turn form a government. This, as a result to man’s having the ability to think rationally, humans submit themselves to a higher authority for the protection of their rights. However, in Locke’s Social Contract Theory, a rational individual will only agree to a government, with minimal and limited control, and a government that is controlled by the citizens. Because for Locke, the government can be easily lured to become restrictive, corrupt and abusive of powers, thus prompting the individuals to always retain some power over the government for the sake of freedom and equality. This issue concerning freedom has always been central to Locke’s market government. Government must always employ the right blend of freedom and restrictions with it. For the people, their property and lives are their rational interests; and their concept to form a government is geared towards the protection of these interests. Therefore, the people, although putting the security of their rights in the government, are still fearful of the government’s potential power (The Social Contract). Thus, according to Locke, should the government cease to become responsive to its citizens, the government should be overthrown. They still hold the right to revolt against their ruler if they realize that their ruler is no longer able to cater to their needs and has been abusive and oppressive to the rights of man. Locke also supported the idea of laissez-faire, wherein there will be limited government intervention for the market to be able to generate a prosperous civil society based on individual’s rational competition. Locke’s version of the theory has played a great role in the development of the Western politics, particularly in America. His social contract plus laissez faire, has also became the basis for market institutions. Locke’s theory has been influential to the current criminal justice system, with property playing an essential role in the society’s government and contract that establishes it. With the State of Nature being itself chaotic when no one is bound to control the state of liberty for men, hence bringing about the State of War, and eventually creating the need to establish a contract between the ruler and the ruled society to enable people to rightfully defend their life and liberty. Thus, the need to protect their properties has prompted the people to abandon the State of Nature and form the social contract between the civil society and the government. Given the great influence that John Locke has posed through his political theories, his philosophies have continued to live until the present time, especially in American politics. The criminal justice system and world politics in general have exhibited strong influential heritage from Locke’s philosophies; in particular pertaining to the way the government must handle its affairs, so as to please the civil society who placed them in power. The Democratic form of government and criminal system, wherein the civil society is always left with a choice to whom must be put into power is an example of a social contract. And in turn, the overthrow or government leaders who did not much perform for the benefit of the people is an illustration of Locke’s theory. Reference Locke, John. (2003) Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration. Yale University Press. The Social Contract. Retrieved October 25, 2007 from   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

20 Biology Dissertation Topic Ideas to Research the Issue to the Fullest

20 Biology Dissertation Topic Ideas to Research the Issue to the Fullest A dissertation is one of the most complicated and challenging academic assignments. This is not surprising. It gives a doctor’s degree or qualification profession. Consequently, this assignment is really demanding. Your first objective is to know all the criteria for your dissertation. A biology dissertation does not differ from any other kind of dissertations. The demands remain the same and you ought to complete them properly. Afterward, you should find out how to fulfill every stage. It’s quite possible that you’ll have to improve your writing quality. Of course, you ought to know the material properly. Biology is a very interesting and likewise difficult discipline. It studies the living world around us. Some subdivisions may be too complex for your understanding. However, if you have a choice of your topic, this may be your chance to escape complications. You should select a worthy topic, which is interesting and relevant to your audience and you. If you cannot select a theme, we can help you. Review our list of biology topics: How Can We Protect Flora and Fauna Species From Extinction? The Link Between Genetics and Obesity Could Be Ebola Used As a Biological Weapon? Is There Any Link Between Cancer Cases and Environmental Problems? Where Did Human Originate From? Did Life Really Exist on Mars? The Issue of Vaccination: Is It Dangerous for Children? The Most Effective Methods to Cope with Different forms of Viruses How Does Our DNA Affect Our Lifestyle and Behavior? How Can We Enhance Our Immunity In a Safe Way? The Main Ways Insects Spread Various Diseases What Viruses And Illnesses Can Be Spread by Birds? Which Dangerous Diseases Originate From Misfortunate Scientific Experiments? How Threatening The Extinction of Single Species for the Life in General Is? The Major Problems Associated with Rainforest Is It Really Possible to Stop a Dangerous Development of Global Warming? Why Do Scientists Divide Species Into Subgroups and How Is Classification Carried Out? The Influence of Hormones and Genes on the Human Development The Reasons Why the Process of Aging Occurs and How to Linger Its Progress Top Immunity Diseases, Which Attack Our Body Take these themes into your consideration. They are all diverse just like all those species in the animal and plant worlds. Some of them will be really close to the heart so that you could write about them with enthusiasm. Use these ideas to create original and relevant topics to find effective solutions as well as present interesting facts. Sample Essay: Reasons Why Animals and Plants Extinct At times, all we need is to see how to compose an assignment with our own eyes. The practice is not the same as the theory. Many theoretical aspects look good only when spoken. They are different when it comes to the writing process. Therefore, you should read some examples to understand how to put the things together. Unfortunately, more and more species of animals and plants are threatened and may potentially disappear. The history of our planet knows multiple grievous cases when we lost the representatives of flora and fauna. What can be done to prevent the extinction? This question should be on the mind of everyone. The humankind should protect animals and plants from extinction, and the first step is to realize the factors that lead to this terrible process. Scholars have grievous predictions. They believe there will take place another extinction of species before the year 2050. This was stated in National Geographic News. The reasons for that are various, and it’ll be triggered naturally and by the human factor. It is well-known that the disappearance of the slightest species may lead to destabilization of the natural processes, and the planet will go through a catastrophe. The negative reflection will be echoed for everyone. Undoubtedly, this process must be stopped at any cost. In order to succeed in this matter, we should understand the possible reasons. One of such is deforestation, which is caused by mass urbanization. People have no place to live in, and they cut the forest. Nevertheless, it leads to a loss of its habitats. Nearly 36 million acres of woods are being cut yearly. This is a huge mistake. Another factor is global warming. The so-called green effect negatively influences temperatures, which induce warming throughout the globe. In turn, this melts down ices and negatively affects plants and animals. Even 1 degree may carry danger. Besides, the amounts of carbon dioxide increase as well. Scholars theorize that the process may lead to the disappearance of 56,000 plant and 3,700 animal representatives. Another great mistake is the introduction of animals and plants that are not native in some regions. Our race wishes to spread them throughout the planet. Nevertheless, they cannot adapt to the new surroundings and pass away. Besides, overexploitation, likewise, makes its deadly contribution. The excess exploitation of definite areas leads the environment to exhaustion, which also kills many animals and plants. This should be done reasonably. All these facts show us that the human race destroys many representatives of flora and fauna. We should recognize and avoid such actions. There is still time to cure the damage done. It’s not possible to stop certain processes as they are needed for the surviving of the humanity. Nonetheless, some alternatives should resolve the issue. Try to remember this sample and craft the similar ones. Of course, one example may be not enough. You are welcome to read other effective samples on the biology themes. This provides you with additional information and helps to compose really meaningful and impressive dissertations. Don’t forget to improve your writing skills. Learn all academic demands concerning dissertation writing and work out every stage with a high level of dedication. Use universal tips to turn your dissertation into the real masterpiece. References: Gerken, J. 11 Animals That Are Now Extinct And It’s Our Fault.,, October 22, 2013 DellAmore. C. Species Extinction Happening 1,000 Times Faster Because of Humans?. Nationalgeographic,, May 30, 2014 ANIMAL EXTINCTION FACTS,,, 2018 One in five of worlds plant species at risk of extinction,,, May 10, 2016 Gailliard. T. What Causes the Extinction of Plants Animals?.,, 2015 Problem: Extinction of Plant and Animal Species. Webofcreation.ofg,, 2015 TOP 10 ANIMALS IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION.,, 2018

Monday, October 21, 2019

5 Steps to Completing Your First Draft

5 Steps to Completing Your First Draft 5 Steps to Completing Your First Draft 5 Steps to Completing Your First Draft By Mark Nichol Follow these stages of preparation and production to assemble a first draft of written (or spoken) content. 1. Identify Your Purpose What is the reason for writing the content? Are you objectively presenting information? If so, is it for educational purposes, or for entertainment or both? Are you writing to help someone make a decision, or encouraging someone to take action? Identifying your goal for the content will help you shape the piece. 2. Identify Your Readership Who are your intended readers (and your unintended ones)? What is their level of literacy, and what is their degree of prior knowledge of the topic? Imagining who your readers are will help you decide what voice and tone to adopt, how formal or informal your language will be though that factor also depends on your approach (see below) and how much detail or background information you provide. 3. Identify Your Approach Should your content be authoritative, or is it the work of someone informally communicating with peers? Are you offering friendly advice, or is your tone cautionary? Are you selling something, or are you skeptical? Should the content be serious, or is some levity appropriate? Determining your strategy, in combination with identifying your readership, will help you decide how the piece will feel to the reader. 4. Identify Your Ideas Brainstorm before and during the drafting process, and again when you revise. If appropriate, talk or write to intended readers about what they hope to learn from the content. Imagine that you are an expert on the topic, and pretend that you are being interviewed about it. Write down the questions and your answers to help you structure the content. Alternatively, present a mock speech or lecture on the topic and transcribe your talk. Draft an executive summary or an abstract of the content, or think about how you would describe it to someone in a few sentences. Or draw a diagram or a map of the content. Using one or more of these strategies will help you populate your content with the information your readers want or need. 5. Identify Your Structure Craft a title that clearly summarizes the topic in a few words. Explain the main idea in the first paragraph. Organize the content by one of several schemes: chronology or sequence, relative importance, or differing viewpoints. Use section headings or transitional language to signal new subtopics. Integrate sidebars, graphics, and/or links as appropriate. Incorporating these building blocks will help you produce a coherent, well-organized piece. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsFlier vs. Flyer50 Synonyms for "Song"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Use Abbreviations (6 Top Tips) - Get Proofed!

How to Use Abbreviations (6 Top Tips) - Get Proofed! How to Use Abbreviations (6 Top Tips) Abbreviations can be tricky, so it’s important to use them correctly. That’s why we’ve created this list of top tips about using abbreviations in your written work! 1. When to Abbreviate You don’t need to abbreviate every long word. It’s best to save abbreviations for terms you use repeatedly, especially long words or complicated phrases. Keep in mind that using too many abbreviations can make a document hard to read. This is known as ‘alphabet soup’. My alphabet soup just says ooooooooooo 2. Acronyms and Initialisms We’ve discussed acronyms and initialisms previously elsewhere, but here’s a quick reminder: Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations made up of the first letters in a phrase (e.g., CIA = Central Intelligence Agency; NBC = National Broadcasting Company) All acronyms and initialisms should be defined on their first use by giving the full terminology followed by the abbreviated version in brackets Once defined, the shortened version should be used in place of the full term Stick to these basic rules and you should be fine! 3. Contractions Contractions are created by combining two words. This usually involves omitting some letters, as indicated by an apostrophe: Who will → Who’ll Cannot → Can’t I am → I’m These words are common in many types of writing, but you shouldn’t use them in formal documents. 4. Latin Abbreviations Quite a few common abbreviations are based on Latin terms. The most famous are: E.g. (exempli gratia) = Used when giving an example I.e. (id est) = Used when explaining something Etc. (et cetera) = Used to show that a list is incomplete You’ll find even more Latin abbreviations in academic writing, especially when referencing sources. 5. Punctuation When shortening a word, we usually add a period afterwards: Mister → Mr. Doctor → Dr. September → Sept. The main exceptions here are measurements, which are written without extra punctuation (e.g., â€Å"cm† for centimeter). The exception to this exception, however, is â€Å"in.,† which is short for â€Å"inches.† We add the extra period in this case so that the abbreviation isn’t confused for the word â€Å"in†. With acronyms and initialisms, meanwhile, there’s usually no need to add periods between each letter. However, some people prefer to include periods, especially with â€Å"U.S.† and â€Å"U.S.A.† Its patriotic either way. 6. Create a List of Abbreviations Finally, you may want to create a list of abbreviations at the start of your document. You can use this to define any abbreviations you use, giving the reader an easy point of reference. A good tip is to make a list as you go, as then you don’t miss anything.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Middle East in World Affairs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Middle East in World Affairs - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the increased freedom of movement present a number of challenges most of which have stifled the growth and development of most of the countries in the Arab region key among which include. The increased infiltration of organized terror groups, the Al-Qaida the most feared terror organization in the world managed to increase its membership in most countries within the Arab continent thereby presenting a major security threat to most of the Arab countries. This has made most of these countries un-governable making them more susceptible for foreign influence. Such terror gangs took over major businesses in the country thereby having exclusive control of the economy (SalameÃŒ  43). This has stifled the economic growth in the region besides spoiling the diplomatic relations between most Arab countries and most of the western countries that feel threatened by the increased terrorist activity in the Arab peninsula. Seclusion of the Arab culture, the increased interaction within he Arab community resulted in the development of more cohesive community that did not necessarily require foreign influence from either the west or other eastern countries. The Arab communities therefore limited their interaction to themselves thus fostering the development of the Islamic culture in the region. The countries have Islamic legal mechanisms while the markets have Islamic economic legislation thereby making it extremely difficult for other more liberal cultures and enterprises to thrive in the regions. Most of the Arab countries have oil as the only natural resource; fortunately, the oil is in sustaining quantities and most of them survive in proceeds from oil alone. However, instead of having prosperous economies, the countries face economic and security challenges all arising from the trade in oil.

Arab Americans in Southwest Michigan Research Paper - 1

Arab Americans in Southwest Michigan - Research Paper Example A unique dynamic of the majority of these first Arab American immigrants was the fact that they were almost invariably single males who, disillusioned with the prospects that their native land could offer them, struck out to find new opportunities in the United States in elsewhere as a means of building their life.1 Rather than settling in the major cities such as Chicago, Detroit, or New York city exclusively, such as so many immigrants before them had done, a large percentage of these young men set out across the Mid-West seeking to earn a living as traveling/itinerant salesmen.2 Although it is of course unfair to categorize an entire population by the actions of a few, it is fair to say that those individuals who engaged in such a line of work found themselves to be quite prosperous; so much so that many of them went back into the cities and opening small stores and shops of their own. It was at this juncture that the idea and actuality of an Arab community within southwestern Mic higan began to develop. Similarly, as the community began to grow and develop, a more nuanced and diverse array of Arab American immigrants began to add their own particular touches to this community. However, such is not to say that the transition that these individuals experienced towards acceptance within the communities they resided was an easy one not marked by hardship, racism, and prejudice. As the numbers of immigrants entering Michigan and elsewhere as a result of what has come to be known as â€Å"the Great Migration† increased, so too did the resistance among the native population to their presence. As with many such stories of assimilation and immigration, the native population believed that the influx of immigrants based on the belief that these individuals were antithetical to the â€Å"American† way of life and held worldviews, religious beliefs, and key cultural differences that would not blend well with

Friday, October 18, 2019

Microsoft Wk 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Microsoft Wk 2 - Essay Example This was followed by IBM which reported sales revenues reaching $22.485 billion; and Oracle in 3rd place at $20.958 billion (van Kooten, 2011). Despite the dominance of Microsoft, one strongly believes that competition within the software industry has been stiff, especially in the last decade, as evidenced by the increasing numbers of new and innovative software companies that enter and participate within this sector. From the information gathered and generated by Software Top100 and as reported by van Kooten and Verberne (2009), there has been fastest growing software companies that aimed to compete and even topple the leadership position nestled by Microsoft. From among the fastest growing software companies noted, Google (headquartered in the USA) topped the list with a remarkable growth rate of 455%; followed by Kaspersky (from Russia) at a growth rate of 177%; and the third by Nintendo (of Japan) with a reported growth rate of 113% (1). The table below would clearly support that competition within the software industry sector has reflected intense pressure: The lure for financial growth in terms of sales revenues, net profits and vast opportunities offered by the fast developments that technological applications and software development has reflected paved the way for the increased competition, as seen. Further, the report of van Kooten (2011) revealed that the number of entrants and also departures from this sector also prove that stiff competitive pressures either make or break the existence, sustainance and continued support for software companies. In addition, just like in other fast moving industries and sectors, especially within the technological development and applications industry, some industry players apply diverse corporate strategies to fight for market shares. Some large organizations decide to acquire other smaller companies to expand market share and improve

Housing Fabric Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Housing Fabric - Essay Example However, the sense of place suggested by CABE has also encouraged designs with strong references to local vernacular styles. Numerous issues therefore impact on design and construction today. It is imperative at this juncture that we understand what some certain things are all about Sustainable construction can or is defined as "the process of creating and responsibly managing a healthy built environment based on two factors which are resource efficient and ecological principles". The aim of Sustainable designed buildings is to reduce the effect of their impact on our environment through energy and resource efficiency. The following principles are included: Healthful Interior Environment. All possible measures are to be taken to ensure that materials and building systems do not emit toxic substances and gasses into the interior atmosphere. Additional measures are to be taken to clean and revitalize interior air with filtration and plantings. Three principles of an environmental architecture include: Energy Efficiency. All possible measures are to be taken to ensure that the building's use of energy is minimal. Cooling, heating and lighting systems are to use methods and products that conserve or eliminate energy use. Environmental Form. ... All possible measures are to be taken to relate the form and plan of the design to the site, the region and the climate. Measures are to be taken to "heal" and augment the ecology of the site. Accommodations are to be made for recycling and energy efficiency. Measures are to be taken to relate the form of building to a harmonious relationship between the inhabitants and nature. (Thomas A. Fisher, AIA, November, 1992). Energy EfficiencyEconomic (saving money), ecological (reducing resource exploitation and emissions) and social (reducing fuel poverty) Are the benefits derived from the energy-efficient sitting and design of buildings. An explicit energy strategy should be possessed by every new development ideal. Throughout the design process, energy assessment conservation measures can be done early through computer energy simulations.Many alternative concepts for building form, envelope and landscaping, focusing on minimizing peak energy loads, demand and consumption etc are collaborated by the expanded design team. In energy conservation, and their construction costs, computer energy simulation is used to assess their effectiveness. Simulations are made use of to refine designs and properly ensure that energy-conservation and capital cost goals are met; and to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. Architecture and construction of new housing in the UK can be vitally dissimilar to t raditional housing, as demonstrated by the three case studies that have been shown above, including Abode Newhall in Harlow, Ashley Vale Self-build in Bristol, Great Bow Yard in Langport Somerset. These case studies have sustainable, low-energy and ecological features. They have also encouraged design with strong references to local

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Campaign Analysis of Dre beats Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Campaign Analysis of Dre beats - Essay Example The media has also influenced the rights of many. The paper will present the history of feminism and post-feminism and to what extent different media have driven it. The success of Women feminism can thus be linked to the positive contribution of the media. Women before the 19th century suffered rampant abuse and shame that was propagated by culture and government. Women had little access to maternal health care. Women died during childbirth because of lack of proper mechanisms facilitate reproductive health rights. The women also had to deal with insecurity perpetuated by society that was characterized by wars and violence (Richardson & Wearing 2014). Women were raped and had to have male guardians to protect them from the risks in the society. Women’s participation in politics and society was limited and attracted critism. Men were raised to believe that the world rotates around them, and the women who tried to speak up for their rights were victimized and brutalized, physically and emotionally (Walsh 1917). The education of women was not a priority as girls were raised to become good housewives. Women were never allowed to make decisions in the family. The rise of feminist movements can be linked to the abolishment of slavery that set the tone for the respect human rights. The first two decades of the 20th century is significant as the right of women to vote was enshrined in the law. The voting of women in elections thus ensured that women were able to elect political leaders that addressed their issues. Once feminist movements got the right to vote, they shifted their attention to issues of education and maternal healthcare. The 1970s and 1960s saw the rise of feminism as a result of the revolutionary spirit that was vibrant at that time. The movements saw the adoption of equal pay act of 1963 and civil rights act of 1964. The women feminist movements hoped that the laws would address the discriminatory and sexist

Do the questions below. ( every questions should be more than 200 Term Paper

Do the questions below. ( every questions should be more than 200 words) - Term Paper Example However, it does not mean that labor is the most valuable practice though some historical perspectives give labor such prominence. This occurs in social structures where development of productive forces is minimal so the labor activity completely occupies the individual’s life. This highlights the need to recognize labor as the centre of the ontology of culture (Stanley and Wise 1). This is because additional aspects of human activity entirely depend on the capability of individuals to provide labor within a stipulated time. Additionally, advancement of productive forces determines the capacity of individuals coupled with the extent of complication of social needs that require labor satisfaction. Marx’s expression â€Å"changes his own nature† draws mistranslation, particularly because the word â€Å"nature† can have two interpretations. The first meaning relates to human beings as the subjects of the action; a subject performing an activity needs to alter his or her own nature in a definite way to achieve the stipulated targets. The other meaning of â€Å"nature† relates to environment and emphasizes the alterations of the world because of intentional activity (Stanley and Wise 1). Additionally, humans alter the world to launch their own social objects to change the course of the society. Q: 66. â€Å"Give everyday examples illustrating the contradiction that in everyday practical activity exchange-value is sometimes considered immanent and sometimes considered relative†. Presently, in each practical activity, exchange value may be either immanent or relative. Products attain value because they are expressed in monetary terms. The value form of a product exists after different products have been compared with each other. The value of products is dynamic because it continuously develops based on trading processes (Lendvai 1). Presently, individuals objectify the worth of produced goods to enhance trade. By doing this, t he individuals are evaluating and contrasting the value of their efforts. Additionally, while individuals are comparing and justifying the products’ value before exchange, they are also comparing the intensity of their efforts. Therefore, the worth of a product largely depends on the worth of other products regardless of product evaluation (Lendvai). This depicts that exchange value is at times relative. It is imperative to say that immanence is a notion of relationship. Therefore, exchange value is at times transcendental and exceeds the physical features of objects, implying that values exist above the individual senses (Lendvai 1). An example to illustrate this is that the aesthetic worth of a painting is not similar with the textile of the canvas and the oils within it, though the painting cannot exist without these substances. Additionally, the exchange value of an object like diamond cannot subsist without its physical and chemical reality. Similarly, two portions of wo od fixed with the figure of a cross may enjoy sacramental value. Therefore, these examples clearly show that exchange value can be immanent or relative. Q: 98. â€Å"Take two very different kinds of labor, such as teaching and construction work, and discuss in what respect they are equal†. There exists a relationship between teaching and construction work. Teachers serve as architects of a better future of students because they nurture and monitor their progress, thereby ensuring that these

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Campaign Analysis of Dre beats Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Campaign Analysis of Dre beats - Essay Example The media has also influenced the rights of many. The paper will present the history of feminism and post-feminism and to what extent different media have driven it. The success of Women feminism can thus be linked to the positive contribution of the media. Women before the 19th century suffered rampant abuse and shame that was propagated by culture and government. Women had little access to maternal health care. Women died during childbirth because of lack of proper mechanisms facilitate reproductive health rights. The women also had to deal with insecurity perpetuated by society that was characterized by wars and violence (Richardson & Wearing 2014). Women were raped and had to have male guardians to protect them from the risks in the society. Women’s participation in politics and society was limited and attracted critism. Men were raised to believe that the world rotates around them, and the women who tried to speak up for their rights were victimized and brutalized, physically and emotionally (Walsh 1917). The education of women was not a priority as girls were raised to become good housewives. Women were never allowed to make decisions in the family. The rise of feminist movements can be linked to the abolishment of slavery that set the tone for the respect human rights. The first two decades of the 20th century is significant as the right of women to vote was enshrined in the law. The voting of women in elections thus ensured that women were able to elect political leaders that addressed their issues. Once feminist movements got the right to vote, they shifted their attention to issues of education and maternal healthcare. The 1970s and 1960s saw the rise of feminism as a result of the revolutionary spirit that was vibrant at that time. The movements saw the adoption of equal pay act of 1963 and civil rights act of 1964. The women feminist movements hoped that the laws would address the discriminatory and sexist

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ipplepen Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ipplepen Plc - Essay Example The current ratio is a very good 1.82. It shows that the company’s current assets are nearly two times its current liabilities. This is a good solvency position for any company. The acid test ratio also shows a healthy liquidity position of the company, where its current assets over its stock assets are about 1.19 times its current liabilities. The figures for acid test ratio are not available for 2005. The liquidity position of the company is good, and it reflects good working capital utilization by the company. Apart from the revenue generated from operations, the company indulges in investing and financing activities. In the year 2006, the company invested to the tune of  £636,000 in Internet development, and trademarks to the value of  £30,000. The corresponding investments for 2005 were nil. Ipplepen invests its cash, at bank and in hand, under the bank deposit rates. Short term deposits are also being made at floating rates, after taking into account the meeting of t he cash requirement. The company has a good amount of undrawn committed borrowing facilities also. The bank overdrafts are charged at 5.46% per annum in 2006, which was 5.38% per annum in 2005. A slight increase in average effective interest rate is seen. Overall, the liquidity position of the company is good and the company is solvent.... The company is showing a consistent growth in all profitability measures. It is a profit making company, and there are reasons that it is worth investing in the company. Liquidity assessment The liquidity position of the company in 2006 is strong, as can be seen from the liquidity measures of working capital, current ratio, and acid test ratio. The working capital is positive and has increased from around 29,886,000 to 38,924,000 in 2006. The company has performed well in managing its capital in the previous year and this year it sees an increase in its working capital. The current ratio is a very good 1.82. It shows that the company's current assets are nearly two times its current liabilities. This is a good solvency position for any company. The acid test ratio also shows a healthy liquidity position of the company, where its current assets over its stock assets are about 1.19 times its current liabilities. The figures for acid test ratio are not available for 2005. The liquidity position of the company is good, and it reflects good working capital utilization by the company. Apart from the revenue generated from operations, the company indulges in investing and fina ncing activities. In the year 2006, the company invested to the tune of 636,000 in Internet development, and trademarks to the value of 30,000. The corresponding investments for 2005 were nil. Ipplepen invests its cash, at bank and in hand, under the bank deposit rates. Short term deposits are also being made at floating rates, after taking into account the meeting of the cash requirement. The company has a good amount of undrawn committed borrowing facilities also. The bank overdrafts are charged at 5.46% per annum in 2006, which was 5.38% per annum in 2005. A

Monday, October 14, 2019

Accounting 201 Final Study Guide Essay Example for Free

Accounting 201 Final Study Guide Essay When are expenses recognized? Name the accounting concepts that answer these questions. What are the four financial statements? What is the purpose for each? Does each report for a period of time or for a point in time? Be able to calculate the change in stockholders’ equity for a period based on information contained in the retained earnings statement. What is GAAP? Who is the body currently responsible for establishing GAAP? What governmental agency has oversight authority over the accounting profession? What is an audit? What is the purpose of an independent audit? Who can perform an audit? What is the sequence of the accounting cycle? Define the following terms related to the accounting cycle: -chart of accounts -journal -ledger -trial balance -adjusting entries -adjusted trial balance -closing entries -post-closing trial balance -posting -journal entry -debit -credit -t-account Be familiar with account classification. What are the five major categories of accounts? What is a contra account? Be able to analyze transactions using the debit/credit rules. What is a compound journal entry? How is an account’s balance determined? What is meant by the term normal balance? Be able to calculate an account balance. When are adjusting entries prepared? Why are they necessary? What are some rules that apply to all adjustments? Review the handout you were give regarding adjusting entries. What do the following accounting concepts mean? -going concern -cost-benefit -materiality -consistency -revenue recognition/realization -matching Which of the accounting concepts listed above form the basis for accrual basis accounting? What are the three closing entries? What is the purpose of closing entries? What is the format for a bank reconciliation? Which reconciling items require that a journal entry be made to recognize them? Be aware of the formulas to calculate some of the commonly used financial ratios, including: -current ratio -working capital -quick ratio How are the following items calculated? -net sales -cost of goods sold What is the difference between a periodic inventory system and a perpetual inventory system? What are internal control procedures? What are the four primary reasons for establishing internal controls? What are some common examples of internal control procedures? Define the following terms with regard to notes receivable/notes payable: -principal -interest -maturity date -maturity value Be able to calculate ending inventory and cost of goods sold under the following inventory cost allocation methods: -average costing -FIFO (first-in, first-out) -LIFO (last-in, first-out) Be able to define the following terms related to long term assets: cost -residual value/salvage value/trade-in value depreciable cost -book value -service life/useful life -depreciation -accumulated depreciation -depletion -amortization Be able to calculate depreciation using the following methods: -straight line -units of production -double declining balance How is the cost of a group/bundled purchase of assets allocated? What is the difference between the direct write off method and the allowance method of recognizing bad debts? Which one is p referred by GAAP? Why? Be able to define the following terms related to bonds payable: -bond indenture -debenture -secured bond coupon bond -registered bond -convertible bond -callable bond -term bond -serial bond -sinking fund When will a bond sell at a discount? At a premium? Be able to determine the issue price of a bond based on its market price quote. What are the rights of bondholders? Of common stockholders? Of preferred stockholders? Be able to define the following terms related to stock: -common stock -preferred stock -dividends in arrears -par value -treasury stock -dividend declaration date -date of record -dividend payment date -stock dividend -stock split -book value

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Unilever and Coke: Impact on the Environment and Workers

Unilever and Coke: Impact on the Environment and Workers A multinational corporation or MNC is a large joint stock company or a firm that has operations and assets in at least one foreign country other than its home country. They are characterized by having multi product portfolio, worldwide market, selling billions of worth goods services, large consumer base, worldwide competitors, global perspective, large RD base, employing thousands of workers globally, with only one motive i.e. Profit making. According to recent statistics the combined sales of top 200 MNC’s were around 28% of world’s GDP. Least developing country, or LDC’s, symbolise the weakest section of the international economic community comprising of almost 12% of world population, about 880 million people, accounting for only 2% world GDP 1% global trade (UN-OHRLLS). These countries are lacking in infrastructure, have poor economy inadequate industrial base, large population below poverty line. As per the 2012 UN list, there are 48 least developed coun tries in the world with countries like Africa, Latin America being a part of the list. A multinational companies’ primary motive is to reap profits by employing cheaper, efficient and reliable resources, for which LDC’s or developing economies are ideal as they are economically weak, burdened by unemployment, debt and structural instability. To woo these investors and bring in FDI, the governments lower trade restrictions and give a free reign to the country’s resources to boost their weak economy. While MNC’S are perceived as a positive force that bring employment, economic growth, better technology living standards in the developing economies, but their greed for profit maximisation has led them to exploit the natural resources, human resource, and environment of these developing countries. Coke and its Impact on India’s Economy, Natural resource (water), Environment India’s Reliance on Coke: The worldwide markets in 1990’s for soft drinks industry was shrinking and Coca Cola faced a shrinking market in the US and EU as the western consumer got more health conscious and started banning such products. The market focus shifted to India as it was a developing market with a large middle class population base. Coke returned back to India in 1993 and invested more than 1 billion US$ in 10 years’ time making it the country’s top international investor. With a record growth of â€Å"16% sales volume in India in 2012, 59 bottling operations, 21 contract packers manufacturers, 700,000 retail outlets†, (The Coca-Cola Company) Coke has created millions of jobs through its contract manufacturing, procurement, supply, and distribution networks. The company plans to â€Å"invest another $5 billion† to double its revenue and volume by 2020 making it one of the most promising MNC to boost the Indian economy. (The Coca-Col a Company) Access to natural Resources: Coca Cola, the American multinational invested in India to reap heavy profits and gets access to cheap ground water, low extraction and labour cost. Coca-Cola extracts about 2.5 million litres of water/day, equivalent to meet the basic needs of 100,000 residents every day (India Resource Centre).The use of ground water for bottling Coke and its products in various regions in India has led to drought leading to inability of farmers to continue farming. Indians face extreme water shortages due to unequal distribution of water and also because it’s a highly agrarian economy where 70% people rely on agriculture (Srivastava, 2008). Coke’s plant in Kala Dera, Rajasthan, has caused severe water shortages resulting in depletion of groundwater levels. TERI (The Energy Resources Institute), India’s largest NGO, in its report in 2008 said that in the peak summer months of its production, the plant accounted for using 8% of water extraction with in 2 km radius of the plant making it non-sustainable. Another bottling plant in Kerala, Palakkad, draws 1.5 million litres of water daily (Arjun Sen, The Statesman) resulting in drying up of irrigation wells and producing thousands of gallons of toxic sludge (BBC). Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited (HCCBPL), the bottling partner of Coke India, has a plant near Mehdiganj, UP. The plant’s annual requirement is 50,000 cubic metres of water, and uses 2 bore wells of depths 103 and 137 meters, drawing almost 12,290 cubic meters/month of water during its peak season (Central Groundwater Authority, India). As part of ‘Replenishment Policy’, the company has initiated 400 rainwater harvesting projects to restore groundwater resources, provide potable water to over 100 schools, restored traditional water bodies and is pioneering sustainable agricultural practices. Coca Cola also installed Rain Water Harvesting systems in 39 SOS children’s villages in it s bid to give back the water they are using. Environmental impact – A multinationals’ primary aim is profit and utilisation of production practices that are cheap and efficient, even though they might have a negative impact on environment. The contaminated farmlands comprising of toxic-laden waste and unacceptable levels of pesticides in Coke products, leaves toxic environmental footprints in India. Coca Cola has been discharging its waste and effluent into the fields, rivers around the plant areas indiscriminately resulting in the pollution of ground water and soil, making the water of wells and hand pumps unfit for consumption. In Plachimada and Mehdiganj areas Coke distributed its waste to farmers as Fertilisers. Tests conducted by BBC found traces of cadmium and lead in the waste proving its toxicity. Coke products have been proved to have high level of pesticides including DDT, lindane and Malathion with the pesticides and insecticides averaging 0.0150 mg/l, 30 times higher than the European Economic Commissi on (EEC) limit (Pollution Monitoring Laboratory), infact Coke’s Ballia plant is located in an area with a severe contamination of arsenic in its groundwater. Coca-Cola has introduced various initiatives for sustainable supply of agricultural crops, green manufacturing and packaging practices to support the farmers in improved yields and to protect the natural resources across the supply chain. Project ‘Unnati’ in Chittoor, has piloted ultrahigh-density plantations (UHDP) in mango cultivation, to raise productivity, conserve water land resources and increase the incomes of around 25,000 small farmers covering 50,000 acres. Unilever and its Impact on Workers and Environment Impact on Workers: The Unilever can be found across 150 countries, it’s a trusted name in nutrition, hygiene and personal care. They have been in 3 key countries (Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya). Unilever has made an employee programme called, Lamplighter employee programme to improve the fitness, nutrition, and mental health of employees. (Employee Health, Nutrition Well-being.) This programme had already been used in 30 countries, reaching 35,000 people. In 2012, they restricted Smoking for employees whilst at work due to health issues, reaching a â€Å"100% compliance by 2013† (Employee Health, Nutrition Well-being.) According to the labour act, the maximum working hours is 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week. Also the employers working engaged in the harvesting the oil palms need to work on Saturdays but are paid twice the daily wage for working on Saturday. The wage paid to the workers in Ghana is relatively good as their â€Å"daily minimum wage in Ghana is  ¢13,200 (about â⠀š ¬1.25)† (Enu-Kwesi). Unilever’s labour act strictly prohibits the employment of children but the Ghana Employers Association (GEA) found children working in oil palms and rubber plantations. These children confront hazards like exposure to toxic substances, sexual abuse, violence, snake bites and accidents, such as from falling fruits, and cuts. Impact on Environment: Unilever is highly dependent on the environment as the raw materials it requires directly come from nature. According to Greenpeace, Unilever drives deforestation in Borneo by buying palm oil. Unilever is clearing the countrys rainforests, threatening native people and wildlife. Borneo is very important to Unilever because of the presence of palm oil, a common ingredient used in soaps and many other personal care products. Unilever purchases â€Å"1.3 million tons of palm oil each year.† (Hance, Jeremy.) Deforestation is endangering species and resulting in climate change through greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In Sumatra and Borneo, palm-oil expansion threatens elephants, tigers and rhinos, as well as orang-utans. (The Other Oil Spill.) However, Unilever has taken various initiatives to save the environment by reducing their emissions GHG in the atmosphere, with acts like reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport, they will achieve this by reduci ng truck mileage, employing alternative transport such as rail or ship. There has been â€Å"18% improvement in CO2 efficiency since 2010 and 7% reduction of CO2 emissions in 2013 compared to 2012.† (TARGETS PERFORMANCE.) As Unilever is the largest producer of ice cream, making their consumption of refrigerators very high, they have tried to reduce gas emissions from refrigerators by using the hydrocarbon climate friendly refrigerators. Unilever has already bought â€Å"1.5 million refrigerator, exceeding their target of 850,000 units.† (TARGETS PERFORMANCE.) Conclusion: While MNC’S are perceived as a positive force that bring employment, economic growth, better technology living standards in the developing countries, but their greed for profit maximisation has led them to exploit the natural resources, human resource, and environment of these developing countries. The overwhelming data proves that the MNC’s are indeed taking due advantage of the weak regulatory authority of these countries at the cost of human health, well-being global environment. In India, Coca Cola may claim to ‘replenish water’ but the glaring truth is reflected by drying hand pumps, bore wells, ponds low ground-water levels and the drying agricultural farms because of lack of irrigation water. The environmental initiatives taken by the company are motivated by the intent to improve the productivity and yields, rest are all side benefits. Rather than bringing in economic prosperity, Coca-Cola has managed to bring in environmental degradat ion, toxic dumping, economic and health problems in Indian communities. Similarly Unilever boasts of many environmental human initiatives but it cannot balance out the damage it’s causing to the environment and the human labour, especially children of these developing countries. Is blatant liberalisation the answer to all the problems of these developing countries? Does the blame of over exploitation lies only at the doorsteps of the MNC’s and not the local governments, who give a free reign to these MNC’s to boost their economies? Who is accountable for the human and environmental damage these companies are incurring? When will we see the real â€Å"Responsible Corporate Citizen MNC’s† that are dictated by a moral code and not just the profit mode?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How Do I Love Thee? Let me Count the Ways by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

A flame of passion is contained within the heart, yet is love contained in a mere flame of passion? This timeless saying embodies the ultimate declaration of love written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. â€Å"How Do I Love Thee? Let me Count the Ways† is a poem bathed in rhyme and inundated in sentimental avowals. This sonnet shows the perpetual love that Browning shares with her husband and how that love can never be destroyed by any power of human or spiritual nature (Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s: Sonnet 45). Based on answering one, seemingly simple yet complex, question, â€Å"how do I love thee?† (Browning Line 1) is what this poem is based on. Using literary tools and techniques, Browning unleashes the powerful emotions that hide behind the ink that each word is devotedly written in. The title itself shows the numbers of ways that Browning loves her husband, so many that she must count them. The second line focuses on the reality of her love and the extensions of its outreach. Browning uses anaphora as she repeats the sounds found in â€Å"thee† (Browning Line 1) and â€Å"the† (Browning Line 1). Her love is three dimensional and therefore real, in the sense that all real physical things in the universe are three dimensional. Breadth is width, a measurement of how far across her love is. Height and depth represent how far down and how far up her love is, in relation to the universe. Depth and breadth is an internal rhyme injected to create the essence of the sonnet. Browning continues explaining how her adoration is inexplicable even in the most spiritual of senses. Finding true bliss and balance is what this love has given her. Love is a feng shui of sorts. Through the use of alliteration, she explains â€Å"My souls can reach, when feeling out... ...cribe the most elaborate of thoughts. At first, the reader feels as if they fully understand the text but a deeper look exposes more than just a superficial love poem. The work doesn’t seem like an act of fiction because the realities of the sentiments are absorbed within the text. In the end, Browning loves him freely, without coercion; she loves him purely, without expectation of personal gain. Her love is a sacrificial love, trials or tribulations can never waiver it. Browning uses numerous poetic devices such as metaphors and alliterations to amplify the implications she intends for the reader to feel. â€Å"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways† is a fairy tale transcended into reality. Love knows no reason but yet defies all reason. This very saying is the crux of Browning poem. In the end, she â€Å"shall but love thee better after death.† (Browning Line 14).

Friday, October 11, 2019

How does Steinbeck present the life of an itinerant worker at the beginning of the novel?

Steinbeck begins his novel by creating the setting. He paints a beautiful image of a peaceful environment where Lennie and George live in. This suggests an ironic tone to their lives as it is not quite as peaceful and harmonic as the setting. Their lives is quite the opposite, as they work hard and their only form of entertainment is starting fights, drinking heartly and going to cathouses. Readers are introduced to the lives of itinerant workers in America during the Great Depression.Steinbeck uses setting to describe itinerant workers’ lives such as â€Å"small square windows† – a symbolism of the prison-like working conditions of a farmhand worker. Also, it portrays the small constricted view of the outside world that these itinerant workers had. They did not have any privileges and did not afford to have any luxury. It could be argued that their bosses had total control over the itinerant workers.They were confined to have a simple life such as displayed when it is said â€Å"Tell ya what – know what he done Christmas? Brang a gallon of whisky right in here and says, Drink hearty, boys. Christmas comes but once a year.† This shows their simplicity and how they are easily pleased and impressed due to their low expectations. Although, at the mercy of their bosses, itinerant workers were victims of exploitation of work such as being overworked and maltreated as seen in this quote â€Å"The boss gives him hell when he’s mad†. This suggests the workers had to keep the boss satisfied.African-American itinerant workers are mentioned at the beginning of the book and the frequent use of the word, now an explicitly racist word â€Å"nigger† is heavily used to emphasise the attitude society had to african-americans. The first reference to it is in the quote â€Å"Ya see the stable buck’s a nigger.† We are hinted to the idea of â€Å"niggers† being treated worse than men such as Lennie and Geo rge, because of their skin colour and the old belief of african-americans being less â€Å"worthy†. Itinerant workers were used to the constant verbal and occasional physical abuse given by their bosses. Readers get the opportunity to understand better the mentality of itinerant workers and how they would prefer to spend their leisure time.â€Å"When the end of the month come, I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get  whatever I want. Why, I could stay in a cathouse all night.†, â€Å"Order any damn thing I could think of†, â€Å"Get a gallon of whisky, or set in a pool room and play cards or shoot pool†. Readers keep being reminded of their simple life and low-life cheap entertainment which was the norm, this was what itinerant workers enjoyed. Another suggestion to entertainment enjoyed by them is in the form of violence: â€Å"After that the guys went into Soledad and raised hell.†. As they were farm-men and known for being masculi ne, they would carry out violent acts for the sake of satisfaction.Their simple way of living and their natural simplicity is stressed several times in the beginning of the novel such as when Lennie is described to the boss in an attempt to make him appear more handy: â€Å"Oh! I ain’t saying he’s bright. He ain’t. But I say he’s a God damn good worker.†. This emphasises the lack of education amongst itinerant workers. It is also reflected in the sociolect used by these men, which is grammatically incorrect but widely spoken: â€Å"An’ you ain’t gonna do no bad things like you done in Weed, neither.†In conclusion, we are exposed to a lot of information in the beginning of the novel that describes the way itinerant workers lived and their personalities and interests in order to properly understand the story.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Unaccustomed Earth Book Review

Jhimpa Lahiri plays upon and wrote about the most vital human emotions: life, death, self discovery and love and in doing so, Lahiri wrote a truly unforgettable novel that examines the life of a family over several generations. Unaccustomed Earth is divided up into eight stories and as each story unfolds they reveal layers of life and culture in their context. Somewhere buried beneath the Bengali family’s wild displays of emotions and cries for attention there’s a story about finding acceptance and moving on and looking past the rooted cultural boundaries.Along with the theme of acceptance the book also has an overflowing theme finding one’s self, not just spiritually but accepting one’s identity in a new land. All these characters possess a desire, an urge to discover themselves, even in the most unorthodox mannerisms and the discovery happens over time and generations. While Unaccustomed Earth runs rapid with themes of culture, the book takes the reader to a time where America represented somewhere where communities were active and tightly boned, a time where one could build a new identity and explore freedom.With that freedom, each story has a character or family member torn between their culture and new chances America can offer. The characters face a turmoil of acceptance between their old heritage and trying to conform to norms of a western civilization. Early on the reader sees that Ruma (a lawyer) is starting to become a mirror image of her mother taking the path she once did in her homeland, â€Å"Growing up†¦ moving to a foreign place for the sake of marriage, caring exclusively for children and a household — had served as a warning, a path to avoid.Yet this was Ruma’s life now† (11). While there is freedom in her choice to follow her husband and be a house wife, Lahiri metaphorically tells the reader through this passage that while America offers freedom, it’s not necessary to make drastic changes but to be true to one’s own self. In that same page the metaphor is explored deeper when Ruma sees her father in a different light, â€Å" He was wearing a baseball cap that said POMPEII, brown cotton pants and sky-blue polo shirt, and a pair of white leather sneakers.She was struck by the degree to which her father resembled an American† (11). From this the reader can sense the parallels from the generations, on one hand there’s the foreigner consuming American so much he resembles it, and on the other an American born citizen reverting to a life she could have had in Calcutta. Overall the message become apparent that one’s identity is not defined by a geographical location but by one’s free will and is not limited by heritage and cultural stereotypes.Lahiri seems to often play with the notion of gender roles. At the forefront Ruma’s decision to abandon her career and opt to be a homemaker is met with much displeasure from her fathe r, as he seems to meet this decision with the initial thought that America was supposed to bring new ideologies, he envisioned a different life for his daughter. There is a strong urging from Ruma’s father to get back into legal work and make the best of her life, â€Å"Now is the time for you to be working, building your career† (36).Ruma’s father only wishes to see his daughter happy and successful and not reliant on a man. With gender roles we see Ruma’s Indian heritage come in to play as she feels due to her heritage she has a prime role in taking care of her father and have him live with her. In much of the story we see Ruma often trying to find her cultural identity balancing being a mother and her once promising job. While her father often appears discontent with the traditional lifestyle he was raised in, Ruma eventually finds freedom in her lifestyle choice.The reader can further see gender roles come in to play with Lahiri writes Hell-Heaven we see the narrator showing regret for the unappreciative nature they had towards the hard working mother and her sacrifices. Despite gender roles the future is often unclear for most characters and there is always insecurity no matter what situation arises, â€Å"Even as an adult, she wished only that she could go back and change things: the ungainly things she’d worn, the insecurity she’d felt, all the innocent mistakes she made† (137).Lahiri explores the aspect of death and the Indian culture that surrounds it throughout much of the novel. Whenever there is a death in Unaccustomed Earth it seems to bond the family closer together and bridge the generation gaps. Universally death is in every culture and it becomes apparent that no matter what continent someone is from one can not escape their fate, â€Å"There were times Ruma felt closer to her mother in death than she had in life, an intimacy born simply of thinking of her so often, of missing her.But she knew that this was an illusion, a mirage, and that the distance between them was now infinite, unyielding† (27). There is a commemoration that happens that bonds the whole family together and they must rework and an alteration occurs as they recover as a unit. Yet, although death is ever luminous upon humanity the Bengali families seem to take with a grain of salt, â€Å"The knowledge of death seemed present in both sisters-it was something about the way they carried themselves, something that had broken too soon and had not mended, marking them in spite of their lightheartedness† (272).Unaccustomed Earth seems to present death the way Bengali’s are influence by the Muslim and Hindu influence it has in the region. Overall Unaccustomed Earth is a great representation of Bengali culture and to show just how diverse the families are. While there are universal and cultural themes throughout the novel, all eight stories share a common theme: identity.Without identity there wouldn’t Bengali or Native American, it’s one’s identity that make them what they are, it’s their soul encompassed in relation to who they are, the philosophical thought in relation to gender, culture, and ethnicity. All the Bengali families deal with life and finding a place in their situation or country to try to fit in, to try to belong. From Seattle to Thailand these stories tell a heartwarming account of what makes us human. Works Cited Lahiri, Jhumpa. Unaccustomed earth. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008. Print.

Race and Ethnicity Related Controversies in the News Essay

Any given society relies on newspapers as one of its major source of information and basically sets the tone for the rest of the media on how it should conduct its coverage (Jennifer, 2003). Given this fact, it important to question the way information is presented to the public by journalists. In their endeavor to provide the public with information, journalists reproduce world views that are culturally embedded in a bid to distinguish the significant and the valid (Mikal, 2010). The technique of organization used by journalist to frame their stories is the similar as the one used by everyone daily to create a conversation be it controversial or interesting. Journalists frame information either positively or negatively. They have the capability of making people question the race of the character in discussion thereby either drawing sympathy or criticism from the targeted audience for the purpose for which the journalist intended (Mia, 2006). This review will be looking at race and ethnicity and how it has been in the news as regards to racial profiling. In the news world, racial profiling has been used to mean the stopping of people in public places for the purpose of inspecting them to find out their race and ethnicity for statistical reasons. In post September 11 news, the term ‘Flying while Arabs’ has been common in journalists’ vocabulary. It is used to imply that law enforcers have been unfairly targeting Arabs without a good cause (Saud 2003). The Depart of Justice defines racial profiling as a police-initiated action relying on race or ethnicity besides the behavior of any individual who is suspected of engaging in criminal activity. Amnesty international, on the other hand, defines racial profiling as the use of race, ethnicity, and religion, to target individuals or groups by law enforcement officers because of lack of trustworthy information linking the aforementioned groups to crime or a scheme (Leonard 2002). Racial profiling was a social injustice according to many articles before the September 11 attack. However, others portrayed it as a sensible technique used by law enforcement officers (David, 2013). Those who defended the practice argued that it was a case of police officers using scarce resources in fighting crime by using the law of probability (Nadra ,2011). An interesting dichotomy came up after the September 11 attack with journalist adding victims of racial profiling to their coverage and the shift of transformation in belief by the public. In 2004, Michelle Makin wrote an article in the USA today stating that it justifiable to do racial profiling based on race, religion or even nationality in a scenario where by the security of the United States is threatened. She went on to state that in situation whereby the USA and Islamic extremist are at war, it makes sense to target local Muslim communities for intelligence gathering. A similar view was supported by Charles Krauthammer who in 2001 wrote in ‘Times’ magazine that to prevent terrorists from travelling in the US, then racial profiling at the airport was a better option. On October 17 2001, a renowned African American columnist expressed relief in his column Omaha world-Herald stating that his ethnic group was no longer in the spotlight as there was now a new public enemy number one namely Muhammad and Osama. In conclusion it can be said that while news remains to be the number source of information, it is also true that the way it is presented remains to be a vital as it can be used to create or demystify sociological theories in a society. Reference Mia N. (2006). Racial Profiling in the Black and Mainstream Media Before and After September 11 . The University of Texas at Austin. Available online < http://www. academia. edu/1535675/Racial_Profiling_in_the_Black_and_Mainstream_Media_Pre_and_Post_September_11_Doctoral_Dissertation> Nadra K. (2011). Improving Media Coverage of Racial profiling. Available online Mikal M. (2010). Media black face â€Å"racial Profiling† in news reporting. Available online < http://www. peopleofcolororganize. com/analysis/opinion/media-blackface-racial-profiling-news-reporting/> Jennifer D. (2003). The perils of profiling for the media. Available online < http://www. apa. org/monitor/jan03/perils. aspx> Saud (2003). Racial profiling of Arab, Muslim Americans in US media.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Free will, determinism, compatibilism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Free will, determinism, compatibilism - Essay Example Hence, the issue of fate and freewill become vital aspects in this discussion. Freewill and determinism is both true in their own distinct spheres. Freewill has been misidentified throughout history by the fact that freewill is not a mechanistic process. So what is freewill? Freewill is a perception that an individual possess the total control or ability to make decisions that will have an impact in their life. In essence, free will insists that individuals control their destiny. Individuals that exercise free will have total conscious control over their decisions. Although external factors do play a vital role in certain scenarios; the decision ultimately rests upon the individual. Freewill is a meaningful theory that insists on unlimited experience of choice. Free will is a doctrine that refutes the idea of pre-destination. Freewill is a choice that individual possess that yields an outcome which is unknown. The concept itself is very unique in a sense that it does take into accoun t of external factors. One of the most prominent scholars that examined this issue very carefully was known as Al-Ghazzili.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sustainability Operations in Restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainability Operations in Restaurant - Essay Example In addition, sustainability is quite important to make sure that there lays the presence of water, minerals, and efficient resources for the purpose of defending human health along with the environment (Blackburn, 2007). In this paper, the conception of sustainability and the introduction of various sustainability related policies have been discussed. Various aspects that include the overview of a definite sustainable policy, i.e. introduction of organic food along with its overall analysis and its implementation, will also be considered in the discussion. Business Operation: Lemongrass Restaurant Lemongrass Restaurant was founded in the year 1989 with a set of four chefs and was recognised to be the first organisation to serve a variety of Thai dishes to the customers in Melbourne, Australia. In terms of sustainability of business operations, the organisation does not entertain any sort of packaged or processed sauces or pastes to be used in its various dishes. Each of the dishes of Lemongrass along with its ingredients are cautiously selected, cooked, and prepared for the ultimate customers, preserving the organic values of those recipes. The organisation believes that every dish and its preparation should be made with hands and that no packaged products should be utilized. This particular feature ultimately reveals the mission and the promise of the organisation. With these virtues, the organisation has attained numerous awards and recognitions that include the â€Å"Best Thai Winner† of 2003 according to the â€Å"Age Good Food Guide† and also â€Å"2 Stars Winner† of 2002 according to â€Å"Mietta’s Best Australian Restaurants†. Along with the Thai dishes, Lemongrass also serves Malaysian and Indonesian items in its wide assortment of menu list (Lemongrass, 2009). In relation to sustainable business operations, the major principle of Lemongrass is to deliver fresh and pure dishes to its customers; it can be regarded as th e dynamic move of the organisation towards the aspect of sustainability. From the above discussion, it can be apparently identified that the organisation remained intensely concerned with the sustainability issue along with the impact upon the environment while performing its business operations. Lemongrass usually serves its Thai along with other continental dishes to the customers by making use of its fresh handmade pastes. In this context and as regards making fresh as well as handmade pastes, it costs twelve times more to the company to prepare the pastes rather than buying any sort of manufactured pastes. Thus it can be stated that the crucial sustainable facets of Lemongrass is to deliver fresh, pure, and hygienic dishes to its customers (Lemongrass, 2009). With this concern, the online official website of Lemongrass and various other policy reports have been used in order to gather information regarding the current performances of the organisati

Monday, October 7, 2019

Why Strategic Planning Is Important for FBI Investigations Research Paper - 1

Why Strategic Planning Is Important for FBI Investigations - Research Paper Example An organization should also increase its innovativeness and an open mind to allow room for creative thinking. According to Hanna (1989, pp4), in his article, he emphasizes on the importance of strategic planning is flexible, selective and responsive, such that, it should increase creative thinking and understanding. In addition, managers must embrace the strategy and must aim at meeting the customer’s needs. The author further adds that the management should incorporate a clear mission, a well thought and communicated strategy, and the management drive, in which they are expected to be communicators and motivators to the rest of the staff. According to FBI (2007, pp5), the federal bureau of investigation (FBI) intelligence operations includes the war against terrorism. The FBI priorities vary from protecting the United States against foreign intelligence operations and attacks via cyber and high tech crimes. The FBI also protects civil rights and deals with corruption in the country; in general, it guarantees national security (FBI 2010). However, this department is faced with many challenges, among them being lack of a good training program for the analysts. Secondly, there is a deficit in the number of translators especially of the Arabic origin, hence the need to recruit quality and qualified agents, and the need for more resources. Nevertheless, the threats on national security, for instance, the attempt on airline bombing during Christmas by the al Qaeda and the cyber intrusion at Google are some of the challenges that the FBI has had to deal with. Corruption cases are also numerous and so are health scams and Pon zi schemes that affect the American citizens who rely on the FBI for justice.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Enterprise Architecture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enterprise Architecture - Assignment Example n EA needs to be modified in order to react to opportunities in an agile way since EA ensure quick translation of strategic decision on both tactical and operational levels (EAI2N, Bernus, Doumeingts, Fox & IFIP World Computer Congress, 2010). EA frameworks offer a detailed description of the prevailing and future architecture and enable articulation of relations in discussion with executives, support staff and other EA stakeholders because each area in EA framework signifies a functional area within an enterprise (Bernard, 2012). In business, benefits of maintaining an EA include supporting the corporate governance through offering insight of the entire value chain and reflect reality of an acknowledged and organized extent (Land, 2009). Moreover, maintaining enterprise architecture offers an organization a competitive edge and shows the way the various components of the system fit together in effectively utilizing the enterprise systems and resources (Giachetti, 2010). The use of cloud computing in businesses is highly attractive because of its reduced operating costs, agility in service development and its ability to allow scalability. However, for an organization to achieve full functionality in cloud computing, enterprise applications need to be developed in a manner that is suitable for distributed environments using the correct EA (Raj, 2012). EAI2N 2010, Bernus, P., Doumeingts, G., Fox, M., & IFIP World Computer Congress. (2010).  Enterprise architecture, integration and interoperability: IFIP TC 5 International Conference, EAI2N 2010, held as part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, 2010 proceedings. Berlin: