Friday, October 4, 2019

Intellectual&cultural movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intellectual&cultural movements - Essay Example across the discourses and intellectual texts of a certain era going beyond the understanding of their contextual reception and origins recovering the historical meanings. It is certain that intellectual and cultural movements encompass the circulation of ideas in countries, periods, and the transnational intellectual exchanges. In this regard, all forms of the expressive thought, which include religion, political thoughts, philosophy, natural science, social science and the arts, are dealt with accordingly. The racial feeling and thinking in the Europe from the fifteenth century, the racial thinking within the context of the Western encounters with the Jews and non-European people. It is of concern that the relation to economic, political and economic trends, as well as questions involving the interpretation of Historical and literature, is of paramount importance. As can be deduced from the history of the emergence of the Classicism and romanticism clearly outlined, it is clear that those who believed in classism were guided by a belief that reason is a dominating characteristic of nature and human nature both of which are governed by the fixed, and unchanging laws. Notably, classicism has its roots way back in 18th c. Those who proclaim this faith hold that nature is a self contained machine guided by laws, which can rationally be understood. Their value was based on order, clarity and balance. They postulated that imagination should be restrained by common sense and reason. The general principle is based on values such as human limitations, resisted change and human limitation. The primary sources clearly indicate that romanticism has its roots in the 1800c, with the proponents of this philosophy putting emphasis on emotions, intuitions, and upon an individual. This belief was guided by the practice of reason over imaginations, social over the person, and common over individualism. According to the proponents of this philosophy, imagination provides

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