Thursday, October 17, 2019

Do the questions below. ( every questions should be more than 200 Term Paper

Do the questions below. ( every questions should be more than 200 words) - Term Paper Example However, it does not mean that labor is the most valuable practice though some historical perspectives give labor such prominence. This occurs in social structures where development of productive forces is minimal so the labor activity completely occupies the individual’s life. This highlights the need to recognize labor as the centre of the ontology of culture (Stanley and Wise 1). This is because additional aspects of human activity entirely depend on the capability of individuals to provide labor within a stipulated time. Additionally, advancement of productive forces determines the capacity of individuals coupled with the extent of complication of social needs that require labor satisfaction. Marx’s expression â€Å"changes his own nature† draws mistranslation, particularly because the word â€Å"nature† can have two interpretations. The first meaning relates to human beings as the subjects of the action; a subject performing an activity needs to alter his or her own nature in a definite way to achieve the stipulated targets. The other meaning of â€Å"nature† relates to environment and emphasizes the alterations of the world because of intentional activity (Stanley and Wise 1). Additionally, humans alter the world to launch their own social objects to change the course of the society. Q: 66. â€Å"Give everyday examples illustrating the contradiction that in everyday practical activity exchange-value is sometimes considered immanent and sometimes considered relative†. Presently, in each practical activity, exchange value may be either immanent or relative. Products attain value because they are expressed in monetary terms. The value form of a product exists after different products have been compared with each other. The value of products is dynamic because it continuously develops based on trading processes (Lendvai 1). Presently, individuals objectify the worth of produced goods to enhance trade. By doing this, t he individuals are evaluating and contrasting the value of their efforts. Additionally, while individuals are comparing and justifying the products’ value before exchange, they are also comparing the intensity of their efforts. Therefore, the worth of a product largely depends on the worth of other products regardless of product evaluation (Lendvai). This depicts that exchange value is at times relative. It is imperative to say that immanence is a notion of relationship. Therefore, exchange value is at times transcendental and exceeds the physical features of objects, implying that values exist above the individual senses (Lendvai 1). An example to illustrate this is that the aesthetic worth of a painting is not similar with the textile of the canvas and the oils within it, though the painting cannot exist without these substances. Additionally, the exchange value of an object like diamond cannot subsist without its physical and chemical reality. Similarly, two portions of wo od fixed with the figure of a cross may enjoy sacramental value. Therefore, these examples clearly show that exchange value can be immanent or relative. Q: 98. â€Å"Take two very different kinds of labor, such as teaching and construction work, and discuss in what respect they are equal†. There exists a relationship between teaching and construction work. Teachers serve as architects of a better future of students because they nurture and monitor their progress, thereby ensuring that these

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