Monday, October 7, 2019

Why Strategic Planning Is Important for FBI Investigations Research Paper - 1

Why Strategic Planning Is Important for FBI Investigations - Research Paper Example An organization should also increase its innovativeness and an open mind to allow room for creative thinking. According to Hanna (1989, pp4), in his article, he emphasizes on the importance of strategic planning is flexible, selective and responsive, such that, it should increase creative thinking and understanding. In addition, managers must embrace the strategy and must aim at meeting the customer’s needs. The author further adds that the management should incorporate a clear mission, a well thought and communicated strategy, and the management drive, in which they are expected to be communicators and motivators to the rest of the staff. According to FBI (2007, pp5), the federal bureau of investigation (FBI) intelligence operations includes the war against terrorism. The FBI priorities vary from protecting the United States against foreign intelligence operations and attacks via cyber and high tech crimes. The FBI also protects civil rights and deals with corruption in the country; in general, it guarantees national security (FBI 2010). However, this department is faced with many challenges, among them being lack of a good training program for the analysts. Secondly, there is a deficit in the number of translators especially of the Arabic origin, hence the need to recruit quality and qualified agents, and the need for more resources. Nevertheless, the threats on national security, for instance, the attempt on airline bombing during Christmas by the al Qaeda and the cyber intrusion at Google are some of the challenges that the FBI has had to deal with. Corruption cases are also numerous and so are health scams and Pon zi schemes that affect the American citizens who rely on the FBI for justice.

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