Friday, October 18, 2019

Microsoft Wk 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Microsoft Wk 2 - Essay Example This was followed by IBM which reported sales revenues reaching $22.485 billion; and Oracle in 3rd place at $20.958 billion (van Kooten, 2011). Despite the dominance of Microsoft, one strongly believes that competition within the software industry has been stiff, especially in the last decade, as evidenced by the increasing numbers of new and innovative software companies that enter and participate within this sector. From the information gathered and generated by Software Top100 and as reported by van Kooten and Verberne (2009), there has been fastest growing software companies that aimed to compete and even topple the leadership position nestled by Microsoft. From among the fastest growing software companies noted, Google (headquartered in the USA) topped the list with a remarkable growth rate of 455%; followed by Kaspersky (from Russia) at a growth rate of 177%; and the third by Nintendo (of Japan) with a reported growth rate of 113% (1). The table below would clearly support that competition within the software industry sector has reflected intense pressure: The lure for financial growth in terms of sales revenues, net profits and vast opportunities offered by the fast developments that technological applications and software development has reflected paved the way for the increased competition, as seen. Further, the report of van Kooten (2011) revealed that the number of entrants and also departures from this sector also prove that stiff competitive pressures either make or break the existence, sustainance and continued support for software companies. In addition, just like in other fast moving industries and sectors, especially within the technological development and applications industry, some industry players apply diverse corporate strategies to fight for market shares. Some large organizations decide to acquire other smaller companies to expand market share and improve

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